It’s time to launch Operation GMGB (Get My Groove Back). Operation GMGB will involve a laser focus on reclaiming what I’ve lost, a relentless quest for what I want and a full scale assault on anything in my life that’s keeping me from being fabulous.
Some its goals will involve dealing with relationship and fiscal unpleasantness i.e. finalizing the end of my marriage and banishing collectors who are bringing me down. (Long term goal: Start making a decent amount of money again so I can eliminate all debts and rebuild my retirement account. Short term goal: Set my answering machine to mute.)
Some of its goals will involve surrounding myself with things that make me happy. Have I mentioned my new condo? Have I mentioned that I’m geared up to paint, tile and sew my way onto the pages of Coastal Living? I think I have.
Some of Operation Get My Groove Back’s goals are more physical. One, for example - the one I alluded to above - is to reclaim the figure I had in college.
Dear Body, I promise that if you return, I will not defile you with acid washed jeans or leg warmers this time!
Anyway, my plan is to start eating right, stepping up my exercising efforts and taking it One Day at a Time. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. (My goal for this part of Operation GMGB is to offer up a periodic written version of The Biggest Loser …. only without yelling, commercials or bad hair.)

With weight loss, I’ve learned, the critical thing is not so much the ability to lose, but the ability to maintain. Guess that’s true with everything of value.
If you asked most women on the street to name two things that would help a gal get her groove back, I’ll bet these would be right up at the top: great friends and amazing hair. Here are two areas where I’m quite fortunate. Here are two areas where what I need to do is continue on my present course.
I already have a lot of people around me who make me happy. I do my best to make them happy in return. All I can do to improve this facet of my life is to try and be a better mother, daughter, sister, cousin and friend …. to them. I’m also going to eliminate from my world any people who wreak emotional havoc, who seek to hurt me or who unintentionlly cause me harm by their continued lack of concern for my well being. (Thankfully there aren't many of those people in my life. In time, I hope to tell you that there are none.)
As for my hair, I know you know how I feel about this. I love, love, love the color of my hair! I think you know why.
Dear God, I loved the color of the hair I was born with. When it comes to coloring baby hair, You are the best! You are still the best at handling everything else in my life. *Obviously You chose to delegate on post 40 hair. It's OK. I know you've got bigger fish to fry.
Dear Diane, You rock! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I LOVE the color of my post 40 hair. Have I mentioned that lately? It is SO MUCH better than my natural color(s). * (See disclaimer above.) It's so much better than anything I've ever been able to do on my own and it's infinitely better than anything I have ever had done at another salon. (Once upon a time I didn't know you all were the best in town. Sorry!) My post 40 new and improved hair makes me feel like I'm pre-40... hot and happening .... and still able to cause the kind of reaction that might require a tow truck ... or perhaps a difibulator. Muchas gracias! Merci beacoup! Tausend Dank!
Let me repost the Jennifer Aniston (with fab hair and with gray hair) photos to remind you just how critical great hair is to a person’s overall appearance.
Anyway, I’m on a journey towards being legally single again and at some point, happily in a new, better, lasting, loving relationship. I’m on a journey towards financial solvency… better yet, financial success that exceeds my expectations and down the road, a worry free retirement. I’m on a journey to a living environment that brings me peace and comfort. I’m on a journey to bring more meaning and purpose into my life and I’m on a journey (I’ve already got my Nike’s laced up) to a smaller, smokin' bod. OK, perhaps that last part was a bit shallow...and ambitious...and optimistic..and naive. :) Let me rephrase. I’m launching Operation Get My Groove Back in order to create… re-create… reclaim… a healthier, happier me. Thought I’d share in case you want to join me.
PS Speaking of great hair color, check out my Mom and the Grand Marnier gals. Between Mom's fetching shade of white/gray (under the Gilligan's Island hat) and the gals' "Eat Your Heart Out Ginger ...and Mary Ann" red, heads were turning out at the Disney Dolphin this past Saturday.

Photo by my sister, Cindy :)
I had a great weekend! Hope you did too... Now... on to bigger... I mean smaller things..
** On a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more serious note, prayers for the missing miners and their families as well as to the families of those who lost their lives.
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