I just finished reading a book called Little Bee by Chris Cleeve. Though its well written and thought provoking, I’m not going to review it in The Hair Chair Book Club because, to be honest, it’s kind of heavy for salon chair reading. It’s told from the perspective of two different women whose lives intertwine after a chance meeting on a Nigerian Beach. I liken it to the movie, Blood Diamond, in that it you will find yourself thinking about it long after you’ve turned the last page.
Though I’m not going to review it, I am going to share a quote. The character, Little Bee, is discussing how she survived her years in an immigration detention center outside of London:
“Once a week, I sat on the foam mattress of my bed and I painted my toenails. I found the little bottle of nail varnish at the bottom of a charity box. It still had the price ticket on it. If I ever discover the person who gave it then I will tell them, for the cost of one British pound note and ninety-nine pence, they saved my life. Because this is what I did in that place, to remind myself I was alive underneath everything: under my steel toe caps I wore bright red nail varnish.”
This made me think about how much it has meant to me to be able to walk out of the salon feeling beautiful during a time in my life when a lot of things were not going my way. I can't even put it into words.
Sometimes we think those little things like buying a cute new outfit every now and then ... or perhaps some pretty lingerie ... or getting a pedicure ... or having our hair professionally cut and colored at a top notch salon are frivolous. Often others in our life think this too. It’s not though. Sometimes it is just what we need to keep ourselves going and to remind ourselves that we are still vibrant … and deserving … and worthy.
When we take care of ourselves, we see ourselves differently. We find a new level of confidence that will encourage and sustain us during the darkest times. We remember that we’ve still got it going on. :)
In the same way we need to fill our gas tanks in our cars to keep them running, we need to rejuvenate. We need to replenish. We need to feed ourselves so we get that second wind and have the strength to go forward..and to prosper… and to love and to create. If we believe that we are to treat everyone in this world as people who are to be valued, we need to remember that we are in that population too. We need to remember to practice what we’ve been taught on every flight we’ve ever taken by those wise men and women in the nicely pressed slacks and starched shirts. We need to take our oxygen first so we’re strong enough to take proper care of those around us.
Though I've focused on getting pampered and on spending days at the mall, the spa or the hair or nail salon in this post - because those are topics I usually address on this blog and because I truly enjoy those things (!!!) :) - those are not the only ways to take in oxygen. There are so many more ways besides the physical that we can - and should - take care of ourselves.
Speaking personally, I also get my oxygen from transforming a piece of furniture into something new and fresh and stylish...and from reading a great book ...and from spending a day at the beach ...and from writing... and from going to church..and from playing with my dog...and from having dinner with my son .... and from getting away for the weekend with my best girl pals! Other people might find their oxygen at a cabin in the mountains or when sailing or composing music or when at a pottery class or out for a run. We each need to know what makes us feel happy and alive and we need to grab it and make it a regular part of our lives.
If things are going well in your life, do your best to maintain that. Keep yourself on your own radar screen. Make it a point to give to yourself too. Keep your tootsies colorful and your soul nourished and content.
If, like a lot of people, you’re going through a bit of a rough patch, let go of the guilt and don’t be afraid to do something special for yourself. Was your education a waste of money? Do you regret the money that you spent on it? Nope. It made you more marketable. It stretched you and empowered you. The money you spend to better yourself physically and emotionally isn't a waste either. You need to be on the top of your game in every area of your life so you are healthy enough and strong enough and confident enough to give the world the best you have to offer. If you're in the trenches... and barely holding it together, try something different this week. Put a little bright red nail varnish under those steel toe caps…

and consider getting a great new hairstyle while you’re at it. It will make all the difference in the world!
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