Today's voice message is reason #457 I enjoy getting my hair cut and colored at Hot Heads.
Shares some random thoughts and observations about style, talent, laughter and an amazing local salon
My objective is to look hip enough so as not to embarrass my son, but I don’t want to cross the line. (I can assure you, he doesn’t want me to cross the line either. I am to blend in with the other parents and stay in the back, but I’m not to look too much like a Mom. I am not to wear outfits that draw too much attention, but I am to be current and stylish in case he chooses to introduce me to anyone or to give me a shout out from the stage. I need to look attractive enough – and yes, he wants my hair straightened - so the girls will think, “Oh yeah… now I see where he gets it...now I see why he’s considered one of the cute ones.” :). I’m not to look like I’m trying to pick up a 25 year old though. I am not to show cleavage… AS IF.) It’s all quite complicated. There are a whole list of unspoken rules he’s conveyed, but they aren’t really helping me either.)
I’ve run a mental checklist and tried to establish some basic parameters:
Spandex? .. NO!
Uber black, spider - like false eyelashes? Probably not.
Concert t-shirts? … Hmmm… Not sure… This is tricky! Oldie goldie shirts could be cool … or they might date me. (These kids hadn’t even been born during Bruce’s Born in the USA Tour.) Should I buy a shirt the band sells at the “merch” table when I arrive and change … or is that like wearing a 5K shirt to a race you haven’t run yet? Is wearing one of my son’s band’s shirts to his show overkill? Does it make me come off like one of those Moms who prattles on endlessly about her child’s accomplishments during staff meetings at work? I mean, Debbie Phelps can wear Michael’s face on her t-shirt and it is perfectly acceptable, but it would look just plain odd if Dog, The Bounty Hunter’s Mom wore his face on hers. What to do?! Elizabeth Post never addressed this.
Magenta highlights in my hair? Just can’t see it. Besides, I like the highlights I already have, thank you very much!
Jeans? This is a toughie too Mom jeans? No. Skinny, hole-y jeans?… a) I don’t have any. b) I couldn’t fit into them if I did have them. Jeans that turn heads? Whose heads would I be attempting to turn? There will likely be exactly five other “adults” at Thursday’s concert: the parents of the lead singer, the parents of the bass player and the band manager. I’m sure they’ll all be happy to know that I’m not interested in attracting that kind of attention from any of them.
A studded belt? Just seems too Brittany during her shaved head and umbrella stage.
Here’s what I wore to the last show.
I believe I bought it at Forever 21. (Thankfully they didn’t card me at the door and bar me from entering.) A lot of people in the crowd have tattoos and this dress is a nod to that. (For the record, I did not wear this as a dress. I added a taupe-y/lavender shell, so as to be in compliance with the unspoken cleavage rule, then I put leggings under it and wore it as a top. I’m sure the 20 something year old guys who were behind me in the crowd appreciated that I knew no one was interested in seeing the aging, pale, jiggly, varicose vein adorned thighs of one of the guitarists’ Moms. (This was obviously before Operation Get My Groove Back.)
The outfit is my way of saying, "Yes, I know who Ed Hardy is, but no, I am not interested in enduring the pain, spending the money or making the commitment a real tattoo would require." Also, and this point cannot be overstated - I’m over 40 and on the conservative side. Nobody (and I’m including myself in that category) wants to see me with a giant skull and cross bones on the back of my neck.
BTW, see my cousin, Myrna (next to me in the pic)? Doesn’t she look adorable? She is sporting a black t-shirt with the phrase “Rock On” in silver lettering across the front. It’s from the Wal-Mart Miley Cyrus line and it was purchased especially for the CD release party. (I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m assuming that this is the only item from the Wal-Mart Miley Cyrus collection in Myrna’s closet.)
Myrna was such a good sport. She kept me entertained the whole night. At one point, I saw her summoning one of the bouncers over. He probably assumed that she was being jostled by a kid in the mosh pit and in need of rescuing. The guy, a big burly sort with dreads barely concealed under a croched hat, came over with a deadly serious expression on his face, obviously prepared to toss the offending kid out on his ear. Next thing I know, the guy is laughing and mugging for the camera. All Myrna had wanted was to have her picture taken with him. She even screamed along with one of the warm up bands. It was impressive (!!)....so much so that it prompted my friend, Sharon to deadpan, "Oh, I see you know the lyrics." That cracks me up even now!
Though I still wish my little pumpkinwas up at UF studying Engineering…and though I wish I could still choose his outfits and accessories (!!!), I have to give him props for pursuing his passion. When he was growing up, I had the Thoreau quote, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” all over our home. Apparently he took it to heart.
Perhaps, I should’ve looked for a poster that said, “Go confidently in the direction of your Mother’s dreams for you. Study hard. Get good grades. Write a bang up college application essay. Get accepted to a top tier school. Graduate with Honors. Get a fabulous, high paying job. Marry a wholesome girl who loves you and who will go shopping with me. Go to church every Sunday and provide me with adorable grandchildren to play with when I return from traveling the world.” *For the record, I’m still holding on tight to those last five or six!
Bottom line: My son is happy right now and the other kids in the band are actually great, smart, funny, friendly, talented, young men, most of whom were raised with the same values I tried to impart. This could be way worse. (Somebody has to be Marilyn Manson’s Mother. Can’t I tell you how glad I am that it’s not me!)
I spent too much of my life talking about what I wanted to do “someday” and waiting in the wings for things to change. My son is actively pursuing his dreams and working towards realizing them. I’m trying to embrace that and I’m trying to free my inner Rock Star Mom.
The band is doing alright too. I haven’t been asked to pick out a Grammy outfit yet, but he is in a “signed” band. He will be crisscrossing the country while on tour this Summer and he will see states I’ve yet to see. (Regardless of where this goes… There are worse things a person could do at age 21 than go see the country with a group of friends.) His band’s CD can be purchased on Amazon, I-Tunes and a host of other music - related sites and and they did just release their first professionally produced video. Here’s a link in case you want to see it:
Hopefully this is what it will look like after the sale.
Speaking of change.... Don't you just love great before & after pics? Me too! Thought I'd upload a couple. These were actually taken back in Feb, but I didn't get a chance to post them then. I thought you might enjoy seeing them.
These gals already looked good when they walked into Hot Heads. They looked... and felt... even better when they left.
Looking for a change this weekend? Pick up the phone and book an appt 407-671-0480.
I have a feeling this is going to be a wonderful weekend for all of us! Hope when it's over, I'll have a full wallet and you'll be looking like a million bucks. Happy Friday! The HHG
Though I adored Suzanne, Julia Sugarbaker was a force to be reckoned with as well. The chemistry between Burke’s Suzanne and her TV sister, Julia, played by the late, great Dixie Carter, was such a treat to watch. I was in stitches every time they were on screen together.
One of my favorite exchanges between the two women took places immediately after Julia’s ill fated modeling debut. I’m posting a link in case you haven’t seen it.
The whole thing is amusing, but it’s comic gold from about 43 second mark until the end. If you have ever done anything embarrassing in a very public way…or if you have ever had a sister who seemed to take delight in your misfortune (Sorry Cindy, for my reaction to the untied wrap around skirt incident) …you will relate to this.
I have been remiss in not mentioning Dixie Carter’s passing on this blog. In the show, her character was the one who defined style and class. That is, apparently, not too dissimilar from who she was in real life. She will be missed …. even by those who just cherished her from afar.
To put my relationship with the Altamonte Springs Dunkin Donuts in a context readers of this blog will understand, when I started patronizing the store, my hair was in the early 70s version of a pixie cut and the color of my roots was a non-issue. Below, please find a brief essay I wrote about all this several years back. In addition to explaning the depth of my devotion (dysfunction? :), it will offer you a little advice I think will serve you well. Enjoy!
When my son was younger, he was once given an assignment to write an autobiography. One of the topics he was to address in this autobiography was his place of birth. I’m sure the other kids wrote things like Poughkeepsie, NY or New Orleans. My child wrote that he was born at Florida Hospital near the Dunkin Donuts. I thought this was pretty amusing. When I go to Dunkin Donuts, a related thought often goes through my mind. I glance over at the hospital and smile to myself thinking, Ahhh, look… my little sweetheart was born there.
Dunkin Donuts recently had a message on its marquee thanking its customers for 30 years of patronage. As one of the people who has been frequenting that store for those three decades, I say a resounding, “You’re Welcome”.
Shortly after my parents got divorced and my mother decided we needed to move several hours upstate to make a fresh start, my brother, my sister and I began our relationship with the Altamonte Springs Dunkin Donuts. Our father, who I have often described as a better part time father than most full time fathers, faithfully drove an eight or nine hour round trip to see us every other weekend from the time we moved to Central Florida when I was still in elementary school until the time my younger brother went off to college. Sometimes he even drove another two hours once he got here so we could spend the weekend at the Cocoa Beach Holiday Inn. When that didn’t happen, the place we stayed at most often was the Ramada Inn, located less than a mile and a half from the beckoning orange and pink sign.
The Dunkin Donuts sign is actually one of the things I like best about that store. I don’t know the owners personally, but I know this… they’re good people. Sometimes the sign out front advertises the coffee or a particular special, but more often than not, the message on the sign is something uplifting. That has been the case for as far back as I can remember.
As I recall, my sister liked the “honey dipped” donuts or the crullers the best, my brother the jelly and my Dad the maple. What I liked then were the chocolate cream filled ones. (I’ve since moved onto chocolate glazed.)
While the donuts were the big draw when I was a child, the coffee, polite kids behind the counter and cleanliness keep me coming back. Starbucks, Einstein’s and Panera’s have their place, to be certain, but for a regular $1.99 cup of coffee to jump start your morning, Dunkin Donuts just can’t be beat.
As for the kids, two things stand out to me. One, they must ride to work in Doc Brown’s Delorean, because they exhibit a level of customer service you just don’t see from teenagers today. The other thing that I’ve noticed is that the same kids are there week after week, which I assume means that they enjoy their jobs.
The reason I feel the need to mention the Altamonte Springs Dunkin Donuts, is because our town just “hired” the donut store version of a buxom blonde secretary in a tight skirt and scoop necked blouse. Right down the street from Dunkin Donuts in an old Pizza Hut, a gimmicky new donut, coffee and dessert chain with a provocative name and an eye catching logo (Hotties - in funky black letters, “i” dotted with a little red heart) just set up shop. About a mile down from this new Hotties, is a Hotties billboard, so you can’t really miss the place.
Hotties is cute. I know because I’ve been there. The floors are black and white and the employees smartly dressed and solicitous. The donuts, pastry versions of the houses in Seaside or Celebration (Florida’s planned communities), are symmetrical, colorful and artfully arranged. They sit on silver chrome trays behind glass. Some have pink icing. Some have white icing. Some have chocolate icing and a few have cherries on top. In the back of the store, there is a beverage station complete with a gleaming silver coffee urn and on the side wall, neatly arranged merchandise shelves.
The reason I went to Hotties, aside from curiosity, was because my son and his friends begged me to take them there. While they didn’t tell me this directly, I could tell by what they said to each other that the desire to try new donuts had nothing to do with this request. Based on the appearance of the sign, these boys were convinced that Hotties was Hooters with a different menu. (Since I knew it wasn’t, I obliged.)
Everyone I’ve talked to about this – including the boys - prefers Dunkin Donuts’ donuts to Hotties’ donuts. I could compare the coffee, but why? It would be too much like watching the US Men’s Olympic Basketball Team take on five random Hungarians… As I said earlier, nobody makes coffee like Dunkin Donuts.
I bring all this up for a reason. Whenever you are faced with a really important decision …. like what to have for breakfast or whether to cheat on your spouse, remember this phrase: “Watch out for the Hotties.*”
** Note: shortly after I wrote this, Hotties closed.
*** Additional Note: While it’s OK to look hot … (Hello! I write a blog about hair and fashion)… when it comes to people .... and/or a donut shops … never underestimate the value of relationships and good taste! :)
Anyway, my plan is to start eating right, stepping up my exercising efforts and taking it One Day at a Time. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. (My goal for this part of Operation GMGB is to offer up a periodic written version of The Biggest Loser …. only without yelling, commercials or bad hair.)
If you asked most women on the street to name two things that would help a gal get her groove back, I’ll bet these would be right up at the top: great friends and amazing hair. Here are two areas where I’m quite fortunate. Here are two areas where what I need to do is continue on my present course.
I already have a lot of people around me who make me happy. I do my best to make them happy in return. All I can do to improve this facet of my life is to try and be a better mother, daughter, sister, cousin and friend …. to them. I’m also going to eliminate from my world any people who wreak emotional havoc, who seek to hurt me or who unintentionlly cause me harm by their continued lack of concern for my well being. (Thankfully there aren't many of those people in my life. In time, I hope to tell you that there are none.)
As for my hair, I know you know how I feel about this. I love, love, love the color of my hair! I think you know why.
Dear God, I loved the color of the hair I was born with. When it comes to coloring baby hair, You are the best! You are still the best at handling everything else in my life. *Obviously You chose to delegate on post 40 hair. It's OK. I know you've got bigger fish to fry.
Dear Diane, You rock! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I LOVE the color of my post 40 hair. Have I mentioned that lately? It is SO MUCH better than my natural color(s). * (See disclaimer above.) It's so much better than anything I've ever been able to do on my own and it's infinitely better than anything I have ever had done at another salon. (Once upon a time I didn't know you all were the best in town. Sorry!) My post 40 new and improved hair makes me feel like I'm pre-40... hot and happening .... and still able to cause the kind of reaction that might require a tow truck ... or perhaps a difibulator. Muchas gracias! Merci beacoup! Tausend Dank!
Let me repost the Jennifer Aniston (with fab hair and with gray hair) photos to remind you just how critical great hair is to a person’s overall appearance.
Anyway, I’m on a journey towards being legally single again and at some point, happily in a new, better, lasting, loving relationship. I’m on a journey towards financial solvency… better yet, financial success that exceeds my expectations and down the road, a worry free retirement. I’m on a journey to a living environment that brings me peace and comfort. I’m on a journey to bring more meaning and purpose into my life and I’m on a journey (I’ve already got my Nike’s laced up) to a smaller, smokin' bod. OK, perhaps that last part was a bit shallow...and ambitious...and optimistic..and naive. :) Let me rephrase. I’m launching Operation Get My Groove Back in order to create… re-create… reclaim… a healthier, happier me. Thought I’d share in case you want to join me.
PS Speaking of great hair color, check out my Mom and the Grand Marnier gals. Between Mom's fetching shade of white/gray (under the Gilligan's Island hat) and the gals' "Eat Your Heart Out Ginger ...and Mary Ann" red, heads were turning out at the Disney Dolphin this past Saturday.
Photo by my sister, Cindy :)
I had a great weekend! Hope you did too... Now... on to bigger... I mean smaller things..