Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Top Ten Reasons I Love Hot Heads...

Since there’s so much attention being paid to the Late Night Talk Show hosts right now, I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and offer up my own Top Ten List. Without further ado, here are ten (of the many reasons) I am so taken with Hot Heads:

10. When I leave Hot Heads, my hair looks so amazing, I am convinced I could talk my way out of a ticket again, just like I did back in college.

9. I have never seen Kate Gosselin, Billy Ray Cyrus, Rod Blagojevich or Donald Trump at the salon.
8. There are no stylists or colorists wearing Mom jeans at Hot Heads.

7. There are never any giant, inflatable gorillas outside the salon. There are also never any dancing, twirling sign holders, girls in bikinis or strobe lights. People flock to Hot Heads because it is a remarkable salon.
6. There is no home office on the other side of the country calling the shots. (No offense, but I don't want an executive who has only seen the word humidity in the dictionary and who lives in a city that is under cloud cover 226 days per/year issuing edicts about how my hair should be styled. Hot Heads is a local team of talented, personable professionals who are in the business of making other people look great.

5. The Hot Heads stylists and colorists are always learning new things. They're like that guy on the late night TV commercials who is both a doctor and a lawyer.... if that guy knew what was fun and trendy in hair design. They are on top of current trends. They're fashionable and they are unbelievably skilled at what they do. (The Hot Heads hair professionals are to hair styling what Venus and Serena are to tennis, what Michael Jordan is to basketball and what my nephew, Matthew, is to Legos. There is simply no one better.)

4. There is a direct correlation between social networking site visitors and trips to Hot Heads. Well, I can’t quantify this yet, but anecdotally, I know it to be true. (In fact, I’m sure it won’t be long before Ashton and Demi catch wind of how fabulous Hot Heads clients look when they leave the salon and start flying in for a quick trim and blow out.)

3. Hot Heads has a marvelous reputation. If David Hasselhoff was a hair salon, Hot Heads would be that salon's polar opposite. This well known, stellar reputation gives the salon an edge when it comes to recruiting top talent and it keeps clients returning to the salon and referring friends. It’s simple. If you’re a stylist and you want to work for the best, you work for Hot Heads. If you’re a guy or gal who wants great looking hair, you make regular visits to the lower level of the Seminole Towne Center just outside of Macy’s.

2. If I had to put my money on who could best predict how hair would fall after a cut: Barry or the senior Physics professor at UCF, I’d put my money on Barry. I want to be set up to succeed when it comes to stying my Hair. Barry sets me up to succeed and he trains all of the stylists on his team to do the same for each of their clients.

And the number one reason, I love Hot Heads is….

1. It’s in Central Florida. Face it folks, if it were in LA, it would be so overrun with celebrities, we wouldn’t be able to get appointments.

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