Gobbler’s Knob
Punxsutawney, PA 15767
Dear Phil,
As all of my closest friends know, I was in kind of a weird place recently. It seemed like I had been in a black hole for far too long. One day seemed just like the next. Same old, same old… In a lot of ways, I felt like a shadow of my former self. It seemed like a part of me was missing and I was searching high and low to find it. I was scared. My heart felt like it was frozen. Can you relate? I think you can.
As you recall, you assured me that my dark days and bleak nights were almost over. I wanted to believe you, but I’ll be honest, I just didn’t. I figured you were like all the others…. just one more guy promising things he couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver. Sure the idea of a cutie like yourself bringing a little heat into my world – and soon - was an appealing thought, but experience had taught me to keep my guard up.
I can’t tell you how happy I am that I was wrong. Today was a Katrina and the Waves kind of a day. I really did feel like I was walking on sunshine. You put a smile back on my face. You made me feel hopeful about the future. Things do seem better and brighter and there is a new spring in my step.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Hugs and Kisses,
On Tuesday I wore a coat to work and I slept that night in plaid, flannel PJs. Tomorrow? Well, that's another day entirely! It is supposed to get up to 81 here tomorrow and according to the Weather Channel, it will be sunny with zero chance of precipitation. OMG am I happy about this! I feel a beach day coming on. I feel a great weekend coming up! I feel thrilled that Winter's over! Phil, dude, you’re the man!

You didn’t think I was really down, did you? Me? The eternal optimist? I think not! Spring doesn’t always get here as soon as I want it to, but it always gets here. I know that. I hold onto that and when it does come, nobody is happier about it than I am. Welcome back warm weather! Welcome back happy times! Welcome back blond highlights!
In the depth of winter, I finally* learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. ~ Albert Camus
*Actually, I didn’t finally learn it. I’ve always known it. Hope that’s how you feel too!
Celebrate Spring with a fun new do! Hot Heads 407-671-0480
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