Friday, December 11, 2009

One Day 'Til Heart Rate Spikin' Saturday

I’m officially dubbing tomorrow Heart Rate Spikin' Saturday. That’s because I intend to spend every waking minute of the day either attempting to get my heart racing or working towards having that effect on someone else's.

My plan is to start the day while it’s still dark outside wearing red & white striped, fur trimmed socks and running gear. I will then meet up with "the girls" and caravan over to the North Pole’s Maitland outpost where we will join several thousand other Central Floridians, many of whom will be decked out in santa hats, gingerbread man costumes or green tights and elf ears, for the annual Reindeer Run 5K. Because I have been so bad this week – I believe I mentioned the cookie dough incident – I am determined to really step it up a notch when I take to the course.

My heart should be just about back to its normal cadence by the time I get to Dunkin Donuts for our traditional post race coffee stop. After that shot of caffeine and a quick shower, it will be time for my next round of cardiac boosting activities.

Here is the rest of the day’s agenda:
*Watch attractive men young enough to be my son on the Twilight DVD with TFWSRUSANTEHHAC (the friend who shall remain unnamed so as not to embarrass her husband and children). I know. We should be ashamed and we are….REALLY! :)
*Go with this same friend while she ups her CQ (cuteness quotient) at Hot Heads.
*Eat, Shop, Repeat…
*Attempt to raise my own CQ by getting my hair cut and colored (also at Hot Heads). Can’t wait!

*Continue on with joint inappropriate cougar crush marathon by taking in the New Moon movie (for the second time)
*Go home.
*Watch Taylor Lautner host Saturday Night Live.
*Drift off to sleep remembering what it was like to be in my twenties and wondering what the heck went wrong.

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