Typical Wife & Mother
• Track down zhu zhu pet as requested by adorable nephew.
• Channel Martha Stewart and make darling glittered pinecone place cards for special holiday dinner.
• Locate last year’s sale wrapping paper in garage.
• Get china down from upper cabinets and rinse off dust.
• Vacuum up pine needles.
• Purchase frozen meat the size of a bowling ball. Thaw said meat, season it, cook it, slice it and present it a la June Cleaver.
• Have discussions with close friends about whether or not to buy gifts for teenage children’s main squeezes.
• Perch precariously on furniture in an attempt to hang lights over window sills without assistance or to carefully arrange holiday villages because all other family members keep saying things like, “Let’s not do this today”, “I’m busy every night ‘til Christmas” or “Nobody but you even cares about that, Mom”.
• Wrangle dog into cute holiday sweater.
• Vacuum up more pine needles.
• Don unflattering Santa Hat and gift wrap with other Moms from son’s Scout Troop in front of Super Wal-Mart.
• Explain to preteen daughter that slinky party dress is not appropriate for a girl of her age.
• Negotiate with in-laws and explain the physical challenges associated with being in two states at one time.
• Take husband’s dress pants to seamstress and ask her to let out the waist.
• Buy husband new black socks as old ones have holes in toes.
• Make children try on dress shoes to make sure that they still fit.
• Purchase gift under $10 for that “pick a numbered package” game at the office party.
• RSVP for husband’s college roommate’s Sugar Bowl viewing party and offer to bring a vegetable tray.
• Purchase stocking stuffers for all members of family except self. Set aside orange to put in own stocking if it is still empty Christmas morning.
• Drive children to pageant rehearsals.
• Meet friends for annual holiday luncheon. Stop by the retirement home on way to annual holiday luncheon and bring maternal Aunt requested fuzzy snowman socks.
• Make green bean casserole for husband’s potluck at work.
• Decide what appetizer to make for neighborhood progressive dinner.
• Solicit, select and crop photos for extended family calendar. Layout calendar and order multiple copies.
• Force husband and children to get dressed up for family photo. Corral dog.
• Upload holiday photo to local Walgreens. Order a gajillion copies.
• Hand address envelopes to everyone from friends’ parents to in-laws to former coworkers to elderly neighbors. Write cute, personal notes inside each person’s card.
• Stand in line at post office in order to get cute stamps with reindeer on them.
• Put cash in envelopes for mail carrier, garbage collector and babysitter.
• Purchase appropriate gifts for children’s teachers
• Find new hiding place for gifts so children will be surprised.
• Consult psychic to try and discern what might please cranky Aunt Sue.
• Explain to twenty year old son that visible earrings and/or tattoos could send aging relatives into cardiac arrest.
• Bake 12 dozen cookies without eating any so as to look cute in special holiday outfit and/or fur lined red lingerie.
• Buy bag of chips for daughter’s class party.
• Make plates of cookies wrapped in red or green saran wrap and tied with pretty bows for neighbors.
• Force children to write thank you notes. Threaten to withhold gifts and/or to speak to Santa about next year’s gifts if relatives are not thanked for their offerings in a timely manner.
Typical Husband & Father
• Tell wife about potluck at work and request favorite dish.
• Venture into Best Buy to see if there is anything wife might want. Pick up new phone while there.
• Call sister and ask her what to get for wife. Ask sister if she wouldn’t mind picking up said gift and wrapping it, as she’s so much better at those things.
• Pay lawn boy to put up outdoor lights as back is not what it used to be.
• Watch football.
• Widen belt by a notch or two so as to allow proper room for holiday meal.
• Stay out of way of inexplicably grouchy wife who has clearly forgotten what the season is all about.
Is this an exaggeration? Based on my own experiences and on the many tales I’ve heard from the trenches, it most certainly is not. So, why would, I, a gal who knows how stretched to the limit most members of my gender are at this time of the year, presume to add thirty one more things to our collective December To Do Lists… a) because Oprah told me to (just kidding… kind of :) and b) because the thirty one things were supposed to make us feel pampered and beautiful.
OK… when I last left you in our quest, we were supposed to be out hunting mousse.
(As you may or may not recall, that was our day 20 assignment in the O Magazine Pretty, Quick Challenge). As instructed, I put on my camo and went to their stomping grounds aka the mall determined to bag one….
Alright, I did no such thing. I did glam it up for Dad’s party though and I did hear more than a few compliments on my hair.
I was so grateful about this because there really were only two comments relatives who haven’t seen me in a while could truthfully make about my appearance. They could either say, “Gee, your hair looks terrific!” or “Wow, you sure have been eating your share of fudge and cookies this December.” Since my family members were obviously raised properly, they all took the high road and chose to compliment my hair.
Me and thirty six of my favorite people in the world at my Dad’s 80th birthday party. He’s the handsome guy in the center with the dashing red vest. I’m the one who looks like she’s had her share of peppermint Christmas bark. Trust me, I will be dealing with that come January 2nd. (On a positive note, I’m also the one with the face framing, shiny, healthy looking hair set off by perfect - Thank you again, Diane! :) - chunky blond highlights. )
Here are the remainder of the month’s assignments and a quick recap of how or if I accomplished them:’
December 21st - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Brighten eyes with nude eyeliner to get the red out. I skipped this one as I didn’t have any nude eyeliner. I also didn’t have red eyes. (Ahem… as previously mentioned, I was at a family event the weekend prior to this assignment.)
December 22nd - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Take a deep breath or ten. Check! OK… yay! This didn’t really involve any effort since breathing was on my regular non- Pretty, Quick Challenge To Do list, as well. (Yes, I did take deep breaths.)
December 23rd - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Eat an orange. Another easy one…. Hello! We’re Floridians! Several days prior to this, I was given a nice big bag of oranges fresh from my faux-in-law (kind of sounds like bro-in-law)*, Ward’s, backyard tree. The write up on this one promised “fewer wrinkles” and “more elastic and hydrated skin”, which I must say is a tad amusing, given that the most wrinkled skinned humans I know on this planet reside in our state. Anyway, I saw no noticeable improvement in my skin after starting my day with a large glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. It did make me happy though.
For those who are unfamiliar with the term, “faux-in-law”, don’t fret. I made it up. It is my newly minted title for the significant other of my “like a sister” friend, Cindy (who for those who are confused) is not the same person as my real live, flesh and blood sister, Cindy. Just so you have all the players straight… Both Cindys have Christmas week birthdays. Both are smart, beautiful, amusing and generous and both are frustrated to the point of being homicidal with my pathological tardiness. That, however, is where the similarities end.
December 24th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Pamper hair. Specifically, apply a rich conditioner so hair will feel softer and look shinier. Also, sing or shave while said conditioner is working its magic, so as to allow it ample time to do its thing. Check. I serenaded the dog w/an enthusiastic rendition of Jingle Bells while I got my hair supple and Christmas Eve service ready. I’m pleased to report that the dog and I were both satisfied by my efforts.
December 25th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Book an at home facial. What??? Who wrote this Pretty, Quick Challenge? Does the author have a life? A family? OK… I did not do this. Here’s what I did:
I ate cinnamon rolls. I watched my crazy dog rip wrapping paper off my son’s Christmas gifts.
I accompanied my son to the home of the lead singer of his band’s parents’ house and I marveled while I watched this young man’s grandmother get about fifteen pierced and tattooed twenty year old young men to sit quietly and listen to her read them, The Florida Night Before Christmas. (Here is how it starts if you haven’t read it yet.)
T'was the night before Christmas and all through the town,
no noses were frozen, no snow fluttered down,
no children in flannels were tucked into bed,
they all wore shorty pajamas instead.
To find wreaths of holly, t'was not very hard,
for holly trees grew in every back yard.
In front of the houses, Dads and Moms were
adorning the bushes and coconut palms.
The sleeping kiddies were dreaming in glee,
hoping to find water skis under the tree.
Speaking of Santa, I don’t believe I’ve mentioned that I had the pleasure of meeting him (the real one) on Park Ave recently. He was wearing his normal garb on top and a pair of camel colored pants on the bottom. TFWSRUSANTEHHAC (the friend who shall remain unnamed so as not to embarrass her husband and children) and I thought it to be an interesting fashion choice, but I guess he wanted to change things up a bit. In any event, the children all seemed to recognize him and they were obviously pleased to see him.
Here is a link to his Winter Park excursion in case you, too, want to weigh in on the camel pants. YouTube - SuddenlySanta's Channel TFWSRUSANTEHHAC and I can be seen (for two whole seconds - LITERALLY) sitting on the opposite side of the fountain at about the 27 second mark.
December 26th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Smooth flyaways along part or hairline by spritzing an old blush brush with a bit of hairspray and running it over the fuzzy areas. What fuzzy areas? Have I not mentioned that I have been getting my hair styled at Hot Heads? Have I not mentioned that I’m using quality hair products? I laugh at the concept of flyaways and fuzzy areas!
December 27th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Apply a soft rose or peach to warm up complexion. Warm up complexion? I wanted to warm up my body. What happened to our tropical Christmas? Anyway, since there was no visible sun on Sunday to brighten up my cheeks, I did resort to the next best thing and work a little blush over my face starting just above the apples of my cheeks as isntructed.
December 28th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: I was supposed to try a shampoo that would give me a little color boost, which I must certainly would’ve done if not for the fact that I already LOVE the color of my hair. :)
What I did instead of wash my hair with a color boost shampoo was hang out with some of my visiting junior high/high school pals on Park Avenue. One of them brought the cutest little diversion. This is Wilder Kathleen “the Rage of Paris”. Is she not the cutest? Since this is a blog, which prominently features a hair salon... I feel the need to point out her fabulous head of hair. Does she not have the most delightful do? She’s like a pint-sized female “Bonus Jonas” with a little Pebbles Flintstone and Shirley Temple added in for good measure. Trust me, this is one adorable child!
December 29th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Smooth brows by running mascara or gel over them. I'm of the opinion that when it comes to beauty deficiencies, I am in possession of more than my fair share. I’ve never been particularly troubled by the shape and/or fuzziness of my eyebrows, however. Since it is vexing enough to try and address problems I do actually have, I chose to sit this assgiment out.
December 30th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Boost Body Wash. This assignment involved trying a new shimmer infused body wash ie Nivea’s A Touch of Sparkle Cream Oil Body Wash and/or Olay Body Wash Plus Tone Enriching Ribbons. Tone enriching ribbons? I’m eating pasta about five nights per/week these days trying to stretch my food budget. Tone enhancing ribbons, however fabulous they might be, are going to have to wait. I’m setting the bar at "clean" these days and you’ll be happy to know, I did manage to achieve that.
Anyway, that brings me up to today. Today's challenge is to get bronzed and beautiful so as to properly welcome in the new year. I still haven't decided exactly what I'll be doing this evening, but whatever it is... I will make sure I'm bronzed. I can't wait to say goodbye to 2009 and to properly welcome in 2010. Since there is nowhere I'd rather be than at the beach, any opportunity I have to look sunkissed is an opportunity I take. Maybe starting the year looking bronzed will translate into getting to spend a significant part of it sitting in a folding chair with a cold beverage in my hand listening to the surf. Hope so anyway!
I’ll end this post by crossing one more thing off of my December To Do List. Below, please find the much promised Reindeer Run photos. I know the Christmas season is over, but I thought you might enjoy one more look at one of its local highlights.

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