Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dec - The Home Stretch

At the risk of sounding sexist, please consider the following sample December To Do Lists:

Typical Wife & Mother

• Track down zhu zhu pet as requested by adorable nephew.

• Channel Martha Stewart and make darling glittered pinecone place cards for special holiday dinner.
• Locate last year’s sale wrapping paper in garage.
• Get china down from upper cabinets and rinse off dust.
• Vacuum up pine needles.
• Purchase frozen meat the size of a bowling ball. Thaw said meat, season it, cook it, slice it and present it a la June Cleaver.
• Have discussions with close friends about whether or not to buy gifts for teenage children’s main squeezes.
• Perch precariously on furniture in an attempt to hang lights over window sills without assistance or to carefully arrange holiday villages because all other family members keep saying things like, “Let’s not do this today”, “I’m busy every night ‘til Christmas” or “Nobody but you even cares about that, Mom”.
• Wrangle dog into cute holiday sweater.
• Vacuum up more pine needles.
• Don unflattering Santa Hat and gift wrap with other Moms from son’s Scout Troop in front of Super Wal-Mart.
• Explain to preteen daughter that slinky party dress is not appropriate for a girl of her age.
• Negotiate with in-laws and explain the physical challenges associated with being in two states at one time.
• Take husband’s dress pants to seamstress and ask her to let out the waist.
• Buy husband new black socks as old ones have holes in toes.
• Make children try on dress shoes to make sure that they still fit.
• Purchase gift under $10 for that “pick a numbered package” game at the office party.
• RSVP for husband’s college roommate’s Sugar Bowl viewing party and offer to bring a vegetable tray.
• Purchase stocking stuffers for all members of family except self. Set aside orange to put in own stocking if it is still empty Christmas morning.
• Drive children to pageant rehearsals.
• Meet friends for annual holiday luncheon. Stop by the retirement home on way to annual holiday luncheon and bring maternal Aunt requested fuzzy snowman socks.
• Make green bean casserole for husband’s potluck at work.
• Decide what appetizer to make for neighborhood progressive dinner.
• Solicit, select and crop photos for extended family calendar. Layout calendar and order multiple copies.
• Force husband and children to get dressed up for family photo. Corral dog.
• Upload holiday photo to local Walgreens. Order a gajillion copies.
• Hand address envelopes to everyone from friends’ parents to in-laws to former coworkers to elderly neighbors. Write cute, personal notes inside each person’s card.
• Stand in line at post office in order to get cute stamps with reindeer on them.
• Put cash in envelopes for mail carrier, garbage collector and babysitter.
• Purchase appropriate gifts for children’s teachers
• Find new hiding place for gifts so children will be surprised.
• Consult psychic to try and discern what might please cranky Aunt Sue.
• Explain to twenty year old son that visible earrings and/or tattoos could send aging relatives into cardiac arrest.
• Bake 12 dozen cookies without eating any so as to look cute in special holiday outfit and/or fur lined red lingerie.
• Buy bag of chips for daughter’s class party.
• Make plates of cookies wrapped in red or green saran wrap and tied with pretty bows for neighbors.
• Force children to write thank you notes. Threaten to withhold gifts and/or to speak to Santa about next year’s gifts if relatives are not thanked for their offerings in a timely manner.

Typical Husband & Father

• Tell wife about potluck at work and request favorite dish.
• Venture into Best Buy to see if there is anything wife might want. Pick up new phone while there.
• Call sister and ask her what to get for wife. Ask sister if she wouldn’t mind picking up said gift and wrapping it, as she’s so much better at those things.
• Pay lawn boy to put up outdoor lights as back is not what it used to be.
• Watch football.
• Widen belt by a notch or two so as to allow proper room for holiday meal.
• Stay out of way of inexplicably grouchy wife who has clearly forgotten what the season is all about.

Is this an exaggeration? Based on my own experiences and on the many tales I’ve heard from the trenches, it most certainly is not. So, why would, I, a gal who knows how stretched to the limit most members of my gender are at this time of the year, presume to add thirty one more things to our collective December To Do Lists… a) because Oprah told me to (just kidding… kind of :) and b) because the thirty one things were supposed to make us feel pampered and beautiful.

OK… when I last left you in our quest, we were supposed to be out hunting mousse.

(As you may or may not recall, that was our day 20 assignment in the O Magazine Pretty, Quick Challenge). As instructed, I put on my camo and went to their stomping grounds aka the mall determined to bag one….

Alright, I did no such thing. I did glam it up for Dad’s party though and I did hear more than a few compliments on my hair.

I was so grateful about this because there really were only two comments relatives who haven’t seen me in a while could truthfully make about my appearance. They could either say, “Gee, your hair looks terrific!” or “Wow, you sure have been eating your share of fudge and cookies this December.” Since my family members were obviously raised properly, they all took the high road and chose to compliment my hair.

Me and thirty six of my favorite people in the world at my Dad’s 80th birthday party. He’s the handsome guy in the center with the dashing red vest. I’m the one who looks like she’s had her share of peppermint Christmas bark. Trust me, I will be dealing with that come January 2nd. (On a positive note, I’m also the one with the face framing, shiny, healthy looking hair set off by perfect - Thank you again, Diane! :) - chunky blond highlights. )

Here are the remainder of the month’s assignments and a quick recap of how or if I accomplished them:’

December 21st - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Brighten eyes with nude eyeliner to get the red out. I skipped this one as I didn’t have any nude eyeliner. I also didn’t have red eyes. (Ahem… as previously mentioned, I was at a family event the weekend prior to this assignment.)

December 22nd - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Take a deep breath or ten. Check! OK… yay! This didn’t really involve any effort since breathing was on my regular non- Pretty, Quick Challenge To Do list, as well. (Yes, I did take deep breaths.)

December 23rd - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Eat an orange. Another easy one…. Hello! We’re Floridians! Several days prior to this, I was given a nice big bag of oranges fresh from my faux-in-law (kind of sounds like bro-in-law)*, Ward’s, backyard tree. The write up on this one promised “fewer wrinkles” and “more elastic and hydrated skin”, which I must say is a tad amusing, given that the most wrinkled skinned humans I know on this planet reside in our state. Anyway, I saw no noticeable improvement in my skin after starting my day with a large glass of fresh squeezed orange juice. It did make me happy though.

For those who are unfamiliar with the term, “faux-in-law”, don’t fret. I made it up. It is my newly minted title for the significant other of my “like a sister” friend, Cindy (who for those who are confused) is not the same person as my real live, flesh and blood sister, Cindy. Just so you have all the players straight… Both Cindys have Christmas week birthdays. Both are smart, beautiful, amusing and generous and both are frustrated to the point of being homicidal with my pathological tardiness. That, however, is where the similarities end.

December 24th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Pamper hair. Specifically, apply a rich conditioner so hair will feel softer and look shinier. Also, sing or shave while said conditioner is working its magic, so as to allow it ample time to do its thing. Check. I serenaded the dog w/an enthusiastic rendition of Jingle Bells while I got my hair supple and Christmas Eve service ready. I’m pleased to report that the dog and I were both satisfied by my efforts.

December 25th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Book an at home facial. What??? Who wrote this Pretty, Quick Challenge? Does the author have a life? A family? OK… I did not do this. Here’s what I did:

I ate cinnamon rolls. I watched my crazy dog rip wrapping paper off my son’s Christmas gifts.

I accompanied my son to the home of the lead singer of his band’s parents’ house and I marveled while I watched this young man’s grandmother get about fifteen pierced and tattooed twenty year old young men to sit quietly and listen to her read them, The Florida Night Before Christmas. (Here is how it starts if you haven’t read it yet.)

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the town,
no noses were frozen, no snow fluttered down,
no children in flannels were tucked into bed,
they all wore shorty pajamas instead.

To find wreaths of holly, t'was not very hard,
for holly trees grew in every back yard.
In front of the houses, Dads and Moms were
adorning the bushes and coconut palms.

The sleeping kiddies were dreaming in glee,
hoping to find water skis under the tree.

Speaking of Santa, I don’t believe I’ve mentioned that I had the pleasure of meeting him (the real one) on Park Ave recently. He was wearing his normal garb on top and a pair of camel colored pants on the bottom. TFWSRUSANTEHHAC (the friend who shall remain unnamed so as not to embarrass her husband and children) and I thought it to be an interesting fashion choice, but I guess he wanted to change things up a bit. In any event, the children all seemed to recognize him and they were obviously pleased to see him.

Here is a link to his Winter Park excursion in case you, too, want to weigh in on the camel pants. YouTube - SuddenlySanta's Channel TFWSRUSANTEHHAC and I can be seen (for two whole seconds - LITERALLY) sitting on the opposite side of the fountain at about the 27 second mark.

December 26th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Smooth flyaways along part or hairline by spritzing an old blush brush with a bit of hairspray and running it over the fuzzy areas. What fuzzy areas? Have I not mentioned that I have been getting my hair styled at Hot Heads? Have I not mentioned that I’m using quality hair products? I laugh at the concept of flyaways and fuzzy areas!

December 27th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Apply a soft rose or peach to warm up complexion. Warm up complexion? I wanted to warm up my body. What happened to our tropical Christmas? Anyway, since there was no visible sun on Sunday to brighten up my cheeks, I did resort to the next best thing and work a little blush over my face starting just above the apples of my cheeks as isntructed.

December 28th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: I was supposed to try a shampoo that would give me a little color boost, which I must certainly would’ve done if not for the fact that I already LOVE the color of my hair. :)

What I did instead of wash my hair with a color boost shampoo was hang out with some of my visiting junior high/high school pals on Park Avenue. One of them brought the cutest little diversion. This is Wilder Kathleen “the Rage of Paris”. Is she not the cutest? Since this is a blog, which prominently features a hair salon... I feel the need to point out her fabulous head of hair. Does she not have the most delightful do? She’s like a pint-sized female “Bonus Jonas” with a little Pebbles Flintstone and Shirley Temple added in for good measure. Trust me, this is one adorable child!

December 29th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Smooth brows by running mascara or gel over them. I'm of the opinion that when it comes to beauty deficiencies, I am in possession of more than my fair share. I’ve never been particularly troubled by the shape and/or fuzziness of my eyebrows, however. Since it is vexing enough to try and address problems I do actually have, I chose to sit this assgiment out.

December 30th - Pretty, Quick Challenge: Boost Body Wash. This assignment involved trying a new shimmer infused body wash ie Nivea’s A Touch of Sparkle Cream Oil Body Wash and/or Olay Body Wash Plus Tone Enriching Ribbons. Tone enriching ribbons? I’m eating pasta about five nights per/week these days trying to stretch my food budget. Tone enhancing ribbons, however fabulous they might be, are going to have to wait. I’m setting the bar at "clean" these days and you’ll be happy to know, I did manage to achieve that.

Anyway, that brings me up to today. Today's challenge is to get bronzed and beautiful so as to properly welcome in the new year. I still haven't decided exactly what I'll be doing this evening, but whatever it is... I will make sure I'm bronzed. I can't wait to say goodbye to 2009 and to properly welcome in 2010. Since there is nowhere I'd rather be than at the beach, any opportunity I have to look sunkissed is an opportunity I take. Maybe starting the year looking bronzed will translate into getting to spend a significant part of it sitting in a folding chair with a cold beverage in my hand listening to the surf. Hope so anyway!

I’ll end this post by crossing one more thing off of my December To Do List. Below, please find the much promised Reindeer Run photos. I know the Christmas season is over, but I thought you might enjoy one more look at one of its local highlights.

Friday, December 18, 2009

O Christmas Hair, O Christmas Hair....

I just got this picture in an e-mail from my friend, Tammy, a few minutes ago. For the record, this is NOT hair by Hot Heads. (I'm sure they would want me to point that out!) :) Have a safe and festive weekend!

Making Up My Make Up .... Assignments

If you’ve been checking in, you know that I’ve been AWOL on the blog for almost a week now. Undoubtedly you’re wondering why when you know I have pictures of the Hot Heads event and of the Reindeer Run to share and when I’m only a little over half way through a month of carefully orchestrated grooming. Here are some possible reasons for my absence. (One or two of them are true.)

1) TFWSRUSANTEHHAC (the friend who shall remain unnamed so as not to embarrass her husband and children) and I were caught stalking the young stars of New Moon in a Dateline NBC - style sting and we were subsequently hauled off to the slammer. We were rotting away behind bars until yesterday when a member of one of our families finally noticed we were missing and bailed us out. (Thank heavens for dirty socks and empty milk cartons. Without them, we'd likely still be locked up!)

2) TFWSRUSANTEHHAC and I have been so busy shooing away admirers after we got our hair cut and colored at Hot Heads last weekend that we’ve barely had time to come up for air.

3) I prepped my pillow with the scent of lavender as per the day 14 instruction in the O Magazine Pretty, Quick Challenge. This resulted in a swarm of bees coming through an open place in my screen and stinging me repeatedly. (On a positive note, I now have Angela Jolie-esque lips.)

4) I subbed in an AP Environmental Science class at the high school this past week and was so inspired by the lesson plan that I caught a flight to Copenhagen to take in the last of the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

5) My father’s 80th birthday party is this weekend so I’ve had to channel my creative juices in a different direction these last couple of days.

Anyway, I do have some cool things to share and I will do so shortly. In the meantime, hope you have:

*Rediscovered rollers (Pretty, Quick Challenge - Dec 12th )
*Perfected your complexion (Pretty, Quick Challenge - Dec 13th)
*Prepped your pillow with a lavender fragrance or baby powder (Pretty, Quick Challenge - Dec 14th)
*Tried a dry shampoo (Pretty, Quick Challenge - Dec 15th)
*Properly applied your eyeliner (Pretty, Quick Challenge - Dec 16th)
*Touched up your roots (Pretty, Quick Challenge – December 17 th), and
*Shimmered** (Pretty, Quick Challenge - today).

**To shimmer, the magazine is advising us to mix one part bronzer and two parts body lotion. We are to apply this mixture to the tops of our shoulders, our collarbones, the length of our arms and the top of our shins.

Here’s a brief recap of my recent beautification efforts or of the efforts that have been made on my behalf:

I had my roots touched up on the 12th (instead of today) by the fabulous Diane. In addition, my hair is now slightly darker and it has really cool chunky blonde highlights. I am so happy with it and I can’t wait to show it off at my Dad’s birthday party! TFWSRUSANTEHHAC had her roots touched up too. Alisha did her color. It looks amazing! (Jessica was the stylist for both of us and she also did a great job.) **This was TFWSRUSANTEHHAC’s first time at Hot Heads. Though she’s been a Park Ave gal for most of her life and though Sanford is a bit of drive for her, she’s got a follow up appointment at Hot Heads already scheduled for January.

***A gallon of gas - $2.61
***a cut and color at Hot Heads - varies by length and technique, but certainly always a great value
***a flattering and very current new hairstyle in an exuisite shade perfectly suited to a person's skin tone and personality - PRICELESS! :)

Since I didn’t have any lavender fragrance to “prep my pillow” with this past Monday, I spritzed it with the Bath & Body Works Butterfly Flower Eau de Toilette I received as a Regis & Kelly Mother’s Day Show audience member this past May. A delicate balance of “French Mimosa petals, Asian Syringa flowers and Tenofolia Orchids” - along with a splash of tangerine for good measure - this is the most over the top floral scent in my dresser top collection.

Though this assignment was supposed to help me sleep better, and as a result, improve the quality of my skin, it didn’t have the desired effect. I’m afraid my dog, Brandy, and I both sneezed multiple times during the night. (She did end up smelling a little better than she normally does though and I think I saw a manly man black Lab give her a second glance when we were on our walk early the next morning.)

I went to the high school in full make up this past Wednesday, including carefully applied foundation and eyeliner. Since substitute teaching at a high school requires me to be somewhere other than my bed at 6:45 am and since I am not a morning person, I almost never take the time to do this. I generally apply a quick dusting of powdered foundation before I bolt out the door and some tinted lip moisturizer on the drive over to the school. This affords me just enough coverage to keep me from frightening my charges. (Though it's not likely that I actually would frighten them, even if I skipped my abbreviated morning routine, since they rarely look up from their not so carefully concealed cell phones, their good morning hugs and massages, their hair braiding and lip gloss application activities and their paper wad basketball games, I still put forth the effort. I don't want to be perceived as being inconsiderate or of causing anyone emotional harm.)

In addition to satisfying my December 16th requirement of properly applying my eyeliner - I started at the inside corner of each eye and followed the upper lash line to the outside edge taking care to slightly bring the line up at the end, thereby giving my eyes a lift – I also made sure to follow the December 13th notes when applying my foundation. (I started at the center of my face and blended the foundation outwards in an attempt to make my complexion look more natural and to eliminate the possibility of my having a clearly delineated makeup line on my chin and/or near my hairline.)

To draw attention to my less ghastly than normal morning face, I put on a much trendier outfit than I would ordinarily wear to substitute and I switched out the rimless reading glasses that I thought were Sarah Palin chic for a pair that TFWSRUSANTEHHAC says are much less “old lady-ish”. I’m pleased to announce that the extra attention I paid to my appearance that day paid off. A certain fashion forward sophomore girl, whose only interaction with me up to this point has been to roll her eyes when I told her she couldn’t leave in the middle of class to take her boyfriend’s notebook to him in another building, did a visible double take and told me that she liked my outfit.

Tomorrow, I will be making up for lost time and checking off four of the five remaining activities. This should just about make me current in my quest to look fabulous by the start of 2010. I will be:

1) Reviving my eyes (after a late night of finishing up place cards and party favors). The suggestion (Saturday, the 19th’s task) is to use tea bags or a bag of frozen peas, but it is more likely that I’ll be using a cold, wet washcloth

2) Rediscovering rollers

3) Applying a bronzer tinted moisturizer, and

4) (Sunday, the 20th’s task) Hunting down a mousse.

****Though I’m committed to the spirit of the calendar, I have switched the order of some of the activities up a little and I have decided to opt out of the dry shampoo assignment because I already kind of, sort of tried that when I was in college (I used powder at the time) and because I don’t have any “gentle eco-friendly” dry shampoo on hand.

This will be my Dad’s first big milestone birthday party without his Mother in attendance. (She passed away the year she was to turn 97.) Since she always made it a point to have her hair done, to apply lipstick whenever she left the house, to wear carefully coordinated outfits and jewelry (particularly for special occasions) and to wear her trademark, one inch heeled, non orthopedic, impractical, dressy leather shoes, I am going pull out all the stops and represent her well at the party.

I’ll check back with you shortly. Until then, try to forget how awful it is outside by making yourself all glowy and sparkly, revive your eyes and pouf up your hair. While you’re at it, you might want to consider a trip to Hot Heads for a cut, color and make up consultation and application, so you, too, can be so busy shooing away admirers that you won’t have time to come up for air.

Friday, December 11, 2009

One Day 'Til Heart Rate Spikin' Saturday

I’m officially dubbing tomorrow Heart Rate Spikin' Saturday. That’s because I intend to spend every waking minute of the day either attempting to get my heart racing or working towards having that effect on someone else's.

My plan is to start the day while it’s still dark outside wearing red & white striped, fur trimmed socks and running gear. I will then meet up with "the girls" and caravan over to the North Pole’s Maitland outpost where we will join several thousand other Central Floridians, many of whom will be decked out in santa hats, gingerbread man costumes or green tights and elf ears, for the annual Reindeer Run 5K. Because I have been so bad this week – I believe I mentioned the cookie dough incident – I am determined to really step it up a notch when I take to the course.

My heart should be just about back to its normal cadence by the time I get to Dunkin Donuts for our traditional post race coffee stop. After that shot of caffeine and a quick shower, it will be time for my next round of cardiac boosting activities.

Here is the rest of the day’s agenda:
*Watch attractive men young enough to be my son on the Twilight DVD with TFWSRUSANTEHHAC (the friend who shall remain unnamed so as not to embarrass her husband and children). I know. We should be ashamed and we are….REALLY! :)
*Go with this same friend while she ups her CQ (cuteness quotient) at Hot Heads.
*Eat, Shop, Repeat…
*Attempt to raise my own CQ by getting my hair cut and colored (also at Hot Heads). Can’t wait!

*Continue on with joint inappropriate cougar crush marathon by taking in the New Moon movie (for the second time)
*Go home.
*Watch Taylor Lautner host Saturday Night Live.
*Drift off to sleep remembering what it was like to be in my twenties and wondering what the heck went wrong.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Sugar Is Sweet And My Skin Is Smooth

After taking the day yesterday to recover from my sugar coma - Yes, I did actually eat cookie dough while watching The Biggest Loser finale - I got right to work getting my glow on. The specific instruction for yesterday's Pretty, Quick Challenge was to use a cleanser with microbeads or perhaps a handful of sugar to slough off dearly departed skin cells. Of course I went with the sugar. (It seemed only fair to give it a chance to redeem itself.)

Today's challenge involved buffing lips. I'm not making that up. We were to take our toothbrushes and gently shoo away anything that didn't belong on them. The objective was to end up with lips that were a little more kissable.

My favorite part about today's instruction was that the author quoted a Chicago dentist named Margaret Mitchell. I actually have a cutie pie dentist I like quite a bit. I'd consider switching, though, if Dr. Margaret Mitchell lived in Orlando. "Miss Scarlett, Miss Scarlett, I don't know nothing bout buffing no lips."

It was kind of hard to take today's challenge seriously, but I gave it the old college try. I'm sure the next person who ends up kissing these lips will be most appreciative.

The day 11 challenge is to put on a happy scent. I don't often wear perfume unless I'm going somewhere special, but tomorrow I will. After looking over my options, I decided to go with Ysatis by Givenchy.

I will be stopping by Hot Heads this weekend. Hope to see you there. I'll be the one with the sparkly pink fingernails, the smooth skin, kissable lips and the slight scent of "mandarin with spicy, woodsy undertones".

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hair Change

The Day 8 O Magazine Pretty, Quick challenge was to achieve a temporary hair transformation. The specific instructions were to do something along the lines of upgrading a ponytail from “fallback to fancy” or putting hair up in an asymmetrical twist. Here’s what I did and here’s why I didn’t tell you about it last night: (One of the following is true.)

a) I French braided my hair for the first time in years and threw my back out in the process making it impossible for me to sit comfortably at my keyboard.

b) I worked my hair into a sexy, sultry updo and was whisked away for a surprise midweek night out on the town with a new beau I haven’t even told my closest friends about yet.

c) I got up at 5:30 yesterday morning, so as to allow myself time to properly execute some of the techniques I learned from Barry this past Sunday before leaving for the high school. Though I looked quite stylish, my new coif was largely ignored by close to 145 students, all of whom only took notice of my presence in their chalkboard and inspirational poster adorned social club when they wanted a pass to the restroom. This sent me into a funk. It was only after a good night’s sleep that I found myself able to muster the emotional wherewithal to bounce back and blog about the experience.

d) I whipped up a batch of cookie dough, got into a pair of plaid flannel pajamas, donned a coordinating headband and fuzzy socks, parked myself in front of the television for The Biggest Loser finale and ended up in so deep a sugar coma that I didn’t wake up until 4:30 this morning, halfway though a story about Tiger Woods’ mother in law on The Early Today show.

Hint: The answer isn’t c. As if I’d get up at 5:30 in the morning or let a group of self absorbed teenagers get me down.
TODAY’S challenge: “Get a glow”

Monday, December 7, 2009

Bright Lights/White Teeth

My rockstar wannabe son will have a song on ITunes effective 12:01 Dec 8th. (The band's name is: A Hero's Fate and the song is called "Ron is Anthrax Proof". ???) Guess I really need to step up my look now just in case I get invited to the Grammys next year. :)

For those who are wondering, I'm still following the O Magazine Pretty, Quick challenge. Today I was to lighten up my smile. I kind of cheated as all I really did on that front was use my Colgate Total toothpaste (which, in addition to making my breath minty fresh, is supposed to make my my smile sparkle).

I do have some Crest Whitestrips under the bathroom sink. Maybe I'll trot those out later this month and see if anyone notices.

Sunday's pics are still coming! Hope you're having a good week! :)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Great Afternoon at Hot Heads

For those of you who missed it, the event at Hot Heads today was chock full of tips and techniques designed to help attendees maximize their beauty and style potential. It was a well organized, informative and entertaining affair.

I'll be posting a number of pictures I took today, as well as some of the things I learned during the demonstrations. Until I have the opportunity to do that, I wanted to give you a little preview. The picture above was taken duirng a make up application session with Salon Manager and Image Consultant, Georgette Marable. I thought it would be fitting since it's in keeping with the Pretty, Quick calendar I'm following this month. (Today is "Give Your Eyes a Lift" day. :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Eye Cream & Sunday

I cream
You cream
We all cream
With eye cream

Well, I did anyway. Hope you did too, as that was what was on the Pretty, Quick Challenge calendar for day five. Sunday's assignment is to give your eyes a lift. (The specific instructions involve a lash curler and a couple of coats of mascara.) I'm hoping to get a few pointers from Georgette about this tomorrow. Hope to see you all at Hot Heads!! :)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Will Smile For Joy!

Today the Florida Winter did its best impression of an Indiana Winter and I did my best impression of a High School Anatomy Teacher. The day was a wet, cold, gloomy one and I spent most of it in the company of a partially dissected cat in a formaldehyde bath, a smattering of human bones on lab tables and over a hundred hormonal teens. These are not the makings of an entertaining day.

In response to all of this, I followed my O Magazine “Pretty, Quick” Challenge Day Four instructions and got my Bobby McFerrin on. I “looked” happy, so as to benefit from the research which insists that this will make me “feel” happy. I must say it worked.

I’m ending my day in Orlando Magic sweats and some comfy socks. I’ve got the smell of a wonderful chicken casserole and a pineapple upside down cake wafting through my home. I’m listening to Harry Connick, Jr and my dog is delirious with joy at the very sight of me.

I recognize that this isn’t Chilean Sea Bass and a great bottle of wine with Patrick Dempsey on the Riviera, but, for today, it’s good enough for me. I didn’t worry. I am happy.

Cue the band….

Here is a little song I stole.
Don’t think Bobby’ll mind, but I don’t know.
Didn’t worry. Chose to be happy.
In a classroom I saw a skull
Thought…”Wow, this is creepy, but it’s sure not dull.”
Didn’t worry. Chose to be happy.

Found it impossible to keep warm
Because of a nasty winter storm.
Didn’t worry. Chose to be happy.

Went to the mailbox. All my bills are late.
Saw that some creditors want to litigate.
Didn’t worry. Chose to be happy
Ain’t got no cash. Working to get some style.
Ain’t got no guy to make me smile.
Didn’t worry. Chose to be happy.

Knew if I worried
My face would frown
And that would cause wrinkles, which would bring me down.
Didn’t worry. Chose to be happy.

Dealt with the kids, even those who were bad.
Their paper wads and texting didn’t make me sad.
Didn’t worry. Chose to be happy.

Here is a little song I stole
Don’t think Bobby’ll mind, but I don’t know.
Just had to sing it. Can’t be quiet.

Glad tomorrow is another day
This one brought some trouble
Glad I didn’t worry
And make it double!
Didn’t worry. Chose to be happy!

Got a smile on my face.
Nothing brought me down.
Didn’t worry. I’m happy!

Hope you are ending your day with a smile on your face too. Tomorrow’s challenge: Upgrade your eye cream. Hope to see you Sunday afternoon at Hot Heads!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Taking A Shine To My Cute Pink Nails

Today is day three of the O Magazine “Pretty, Quick” Challenge. It’s the day we were supposed to reinvent our manicures and consider applying a glittery topcoat. That’s just what I did.

Since about five thirty this evening, my fingernails have been all aglow. In fact, I’m almost blinding myself while I type - what with the light reflecting off of them and all.

I painted my nails a lovely, shimmery, golden pink color, which I bought a summer or two ago. It’s the kind of shade which would look perfect against the sand on the beach. That’s why I bought it. It had Spring or Summer home pedicure written all over it. (If only I would take the time to actually give myself one!)

I don’t often make time for home manicures either. When I do, I tend to go with a very low maintenance, very forgiving color. This is because I a) can’t paint a straight line and b) don’t want visible chippage. As a general rule, I’m a no polish or clear polish kind of a girl. At this point in my life, my fingernail goals are rather modest. If my nails are clean and somewhat similar in length and shape, I’m good to go.

On the rare occasions when I am invited to a “pull out all the stops” social event … the type requiring a party dress, baubles and show stopping footwear, I will splurge and have my nails professionally painted bright red or cranberry. I don’t think I possess the vavavoom sex appeal to pull off such bold colors in my everyday life. They’re kind of fun to wear at special events though. I can’t speak for anyone else, but when I have crimson fingernails, I find myself wanting to maximize their exposure. I want to pick up a bubbly beverage (prerably in a cut crystal champagne flute), stand near some lit candles and gesture.

This assignment had a similar impact. I had to complete some rather mundane tasks this evening i.e. pumping gas, washing dishes and doing a load of laundry, but because I got to look at my fun, pink, sparkly nails while I was doing them, they seemed much less dreadful.

Tomorrow’s Task: Look happy – even if you have to fake it.

**Three more days until the Hot Heads event. Remember if you plan to attend – and I hope you will – you should RSVP by tomorrow (Friday, the 4th) 407-671-0480.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wear A Great Red Lipstick - Check!

Today is day two of O Magazine’s 31 Day "Pretty, Quick" Challenge. The assignment was to wear a great red lipstick. I did, even though I had absolutely nowhere to go this evening. I had planned to go to yoga tonight, but I “couldn’t” because the three friends I was supposed to carpool with had to 1) decorate a Christmas tree 2) catch up on a work assignment and 3) draft an e-vite invitation for her son’s graduation party. (Heaven forbid that I would actually get in my car and drive to the gym myself.)

It has been quite some time since I’ve worn red lipstick and I’ve never before worn it while wearing yoga pants. I was curious to see whether the man in my life (my rock star wannabe son) would notice. He did. He took one look at me and said, “Where are you going and why are you wearing that?”

I do actually like this shade (Mary Kay’s Really Red) on me. I’ve had it for a number of years. It was a gift from the fabulous Nancy D, who is an expert in all things beauty and fashion. Anyway, I must say, wearing red lipstick around the house this evening made me hope I’ll find an invitation to some swanky event in my mailbox this holiday season. I would imagine that was the purpose of the assignment.

Guess I'll close with a fun quote from Gwyneth Paltrow: “Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-a** red lipstick” I do feel kind of cute! Thanks, Ms O!

Tomorrow’s Challenge: Reinvent your manicure. The specific instructions on this one are to switch things up a little on the fingernail front. If you generally wear red polish during the holidays, you are supposed to apply a sparkly top coat. OK… we’ve got our marching orders. Ready, set, paint!

**Four days and counting to the Sunday afternoon Hot Heads Event. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Your Mission Should You Choose To Accept It!

At the beginning of 2009, Comedienne, Talk Show Host and soon to be American Idol Judge, Ellen DeGeneres, gave voice to a rather unorthodox New Year’s resolution. She decided she wanted to do something, that as of the beginning of last year, had never been done before by anyone but Oprah.  Ellen decided that she wanted to be on the cover of O Magazine.

Of course, Ellen being Ellen, she launched a most amusing, no holds barred campaign to accomplish her goal. This included lengthy calls to underlings on Oprah’s staff, public on air appeals and comical mock ups of suggested cover designs. Unless you’re living under a rock, you know this multi-faceted approach worked.

Since I love stories like this and since I think a lot of both of these women, I had to buy this magazine. Inside it was an article titled, "Pretty, Quick" which really caught my attention. It proposed a beauty focused twist to the traditional child-centric advent calendar.

You may have one of these kids’ calendars in your home. If you don’t, I’m sure you’ve seen them. There are a gajillion different versions of them, almost all of which feature a Christmas themed motif and numbered pockets or little doors designed to hide candy and/or small toys. They are quite popular this time of year and they are usually prominently displayed in the family kitchen.

The "Pretty, Quick" calendar in the magazine is not nearly so showy. In fact, it can be folded up and put in a purse or a nightstand drawer. The "Pretty, Quick" calendar consists of a schedule of thirty one activities, one for each day in the month of December.

Now, before we go any further, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that I’ve lost my mind to suggest that you add thirty one more things to your already jam packed December To Do lists. You'll stop thinking this when you see what's on the calendar.    

Per the lead in paragraph in the article, each of the featured tasks can be accomplished in less than fifteen minutes per day and each is designed to improve a woman’s looks and/or to lift her spirits. Though I rarely do it, I’m all for the concept of pampering myself. If someone wants to put me on a schedule to make sure that I do more than address cards and bake cookies for other people this December, I say, sign me up!

Anyway, I’m going to do this and I think it would be fun if you did too!  To make that easier, I will keep you posted on my progress every day and I'll remind you about the following day’s assignment.  

Alright, at this point, I need to send a little love to a Chicago writer by the name of Robyn Okrant, who did something very similar to this in 2008, though on a much bigger scale. Robyn decided that since Oprah is always encouraging women to read certain books, buy foods from favored restaurants and make particular lifestyle changes, she would see how doing these things (yes, all of them!) would impact her life. She documented this journey in a blog called Living Oprah and she has since turned her experiences into a book.

When I first heard about Living Oprah, I assumed Okrant was a rabid fan. Not so much! She isn’t a hater or anything, but she does view Oprah’s admonitions with a healthy does of skepticism. In fact, one of her quotes encapsulates the basic premise of what she did and why she did it: It reads, “I’m not attempting to prove Oprah wrong or right, but I am trying to encourage women highly susceptible to the media’s influence to question the sources.” Duly noted, Robyn!  :)

Guess I should preface these next couple of paragraphs by explaining my perspective.  It's not that complicated.  I’m an unapologetic fan! I watch the program.  I read the magazine and I have her website bookmarked.  I've been known to quote Oprah and on occasion, I will pratically beg close friends to watch a particular show if I think that show has merit.

I'm a fan, but I’m a fan with a brain!  While I don’t take spiritual or political advice from Oprah and while I don’t blindly follow her (or anyone’s) suggestions about how to live my life, I will miss the show when it goes off the air in 2011. I think Oprah has done a lot of good for a lot of people. Even when I do disagree with her on a particular issue -and I do from time to time- I believe her heart is in the right place.  I have learned a lot by watching this show over the years.  I think she has done women a great service.  I appreciate that she almost always takes the high road.  I admire and respect her and I’m SO mad that my September trip to Chicago ended ONE DAY short of her big Season 24 Kick Off Street Party and Flash Mob.  Did I mention that we had been staying on Michigan Avenue, where the show was filmed, and that they were already shutting down the streets while I was leaving to catch my flight???

To those who are not as enthusiastic about Oprah as I am, I have this to say: Lighten up!  :)  This is not about Oprah. This is about us.

Anyway, December 1st: Day 1 Today’s assignment is to organize. The specific instructions are to go through your daily make up supplies and pare them down to five items. The article suggests the following five: concealor, lash curler, black mascara, berry lip gloss and rosy blush. I have a few comments. For starters, I don’t see any foundation on this list and I sneeze when I attempt to apply mascara, so I’m switching those two. Also, I have no intention of throwing out any costly products I’ve aquired, particularly not before I attend the Hot Heads event this coming Sunday. Until then, I’m going to go with six items in a little makeup bag in my purse: concealor, foundation, blush, lip gloss, eye shadow and pressed powder.

Day 2’s Assignment – Wear a great red lipstick!

I’ll let you know how it goes. Have a great evening!

The Most Wonderful Time of The Year!

Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen? It's the mascot for Winter Park's "Winter in the Park" ice skating rink on the west side of Central Park. Kudos to whomever came up with it! There are now four places (that I know of) where we can ice skate in Central Florida this December: Park Avenue in Winter Park, Lake Eola in Downtown Orlando, UCF and, of course, The RDV Sportsplex in Maitland. I'll be lacing up my skates in Winter Park. Should be fun!

I am so excited that it’s December. This has been a very challenging year, not only for me, but for a lot of people I love. Turning the calendar page today indicates that 2009 is drawing to a close. Let’s think about it like this - if 2009 was a dinner, we’ve finished the liver and the brussel sprouts and we’re about to enjoy a luscious Crème Brule with a piping hot cup of coffee. I can’t wait!

I have always adored the month of December. For starters, December is when some of my very favorite people on the planet made their grand entrances. Happy Birthday Betsy, Carissa, Bev, Dad, Ericka, Cindy F, Kathy & Cindy R and I still miss you, Grandma! (Happy first Birthday to baby Cross, too, and I can't wait to meet you little Miss Marzolf! I think you've picked a splendid time to be born!)

Can I mention Christmas in this blog? I think I will.

I LOVE Christmas and everything it represents. Of course I love all of the fun and frivolity, the great tastes and smells and all the decorations. I love white twinkle lights…iced cookies…the Reindeer Run 5K in Maitland…real Christmas trees…homemade ornaments…cute pajamas with polar bears on them…kids Christmas pageants…living nativity scenes...gingerbread houses… coordinated neighborhood light shows…boat parades…the smell of cinnamon and evergreen… handwritten cards…eggnog…open houses….toy drives…gift wrapping for charity…The Rockettes (BTW, they performed for FREE outside of the downtown Orlando Public Library today)…Secret Santas…caroling…shiny glass ornaments…The First Baptist Church of Longwood’s annual Walk Through Bethlehem…poinsettias and red amaryllis plants…The First Baptist Church of Orlando’s Singing Christmas Trees…getting dressed up for parties…egg & sausage strata…the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at my church and pictures of my friends’ little girls in their velvet dresses, satin hair bows, leggings and patent leather shoes and of their boys sporting new haircuts, pressed pants, untucked dress shirts and little bow ties.

I love watching all of the classics on TV. I never get tired of that cute little dog, Max, with the weighty antlers on his head or of Cindy Loo Who getting up to get a drink of water. I love it when the Whos sing together on Christmas morning and when Jimmy Stewart’s George offers to lasso the moon for Mary. Every year, I look forward to seeing Rudolph blush when he’s around Clarice, to watching Charlie and the gang decorate their sad little tree and to witnessing Scrooge's epiphany as he finally discovers what life and love are really all about.

I love my Christmas music, especially Please Celebrate Me Home by Kenny Loggins. The minute I put my last Thanksgiving plate in the dishwasher, I change my car radio dial to Magic 107.7 and I leave it there until December 25th so I can enjoy the nonstop carols.

Call me crazy, but I even love Christmas shopping. I’m a last minute girl, so I often find myself on Christmas Eve morning in a sea of shell shocked husbands running OJ (1970s Hertz commercial) style through the mall in a last ditch effort to keep themselves out of the dog house. I love gift wrapping at 12:01 Christmas morning while I watch the Pope deliver the Christmas Mass in Italian. (You don’t have to be Catholic to be humbled and mesmerized by the beauty and the pageantry of that service.) None of this begins to capture what I really love best about Christmas though. What I really love about Christmas has much more to do with the true meaning of the holiday. It goes so much deeper than anything I can put into words.

I celebrate Christmas, but I love that some or all of Hanukah takes place in December as well. I think the Festival of the Lights is such a beautiful commemoration of the holy temple’s flame burning for eight days on one day’s worth of olive oil. Isn't that a beautiful image? Imagine thinking that darkness is looming and that there is no way you're going to make it through the crisis. Then imagine the joy and comfort you would feel when you realized that you did because God provided for you in a way you couldn't have envisioned. I love that! I really appreciate the fact that Hanukah has remained largely uncommercialized too. It seems like such a tradition rich and intimate holiday. I always feel so privileged when I’m invited into the home of a Jewish friend during this sacred time of year.

Anyway, I’m happy today and I hope you don’t mind that I chose to share that. As you know, I usually use this forum to write about more superficial topics. I make no apologies for that. I do believe life is about much more than what this year's hot color is, as I shared in this post. At the same time, I don't think there is anything wrong with focusing on style and beauty. Quite the contrary.

In my mind, fashion and design are forms of art. I also believe there is something very cool about embracing one’s gifts and talents and passions. In my mind, it is a great thing to do what you’re called to do and to do whatever that is well.

There’s also nothing wrong with wanting to look good. That’s my opinion anyway. The human body is exquisite. Showcasing it in a great new outfit or tastefully drawing attention to it with a wonderful haircut or sparkly jewelry is no different than framing a fabulous piece of art.

If someone’s ONLY focus is on how amazing she looks, that’s a problem. If, however, a woman smiles every now and then when catching a glimpse of herself in a reflective store window and thinks, “Good job, God!”; I, for one, don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. I’m of the school of thought that we were given brains and bodies and talent and the ability to appreciate beauty and to see humor in things for a reason. I also think relationships matter - a lot! If we can have some fun together discussing hobo bags and great printed scarves, I say bring it on!

Anyway, like I said, I don’t often get so reflective or so personal about what I believe when writing this blog, but because it’s December 1st and because I do so love this month, I thought I’d color outside of the lines a bit today.

I guess I should say this though: These are my thoughts…. the thoughts and opinions of someone who happens to adore Hot Heads. They are not necessarily the thoughts of the Hot Heads staff. If you think they’re all hooey and if you think this post is nothing but sentimental drivel, which has no place on a style focused blog, I trust that you will just ignore it and jump back in later tonight when I revert to writing about fashion trends and fabulous hair.

In any event, Happy December! Hope it’s a joy filled, amazing month for you!

**Five more days to Sunday’s special event, which is scheduled to take place at Hot Heads from 1:45 to 5:00 pm. Is it on your calendar yet? Hope so! Aside from being wonderful for all of the reasons I noted above, December is also a month to get your glam on. Make sure you know how to do that the right way! Call your friends to clue them in about this event and remember to RSVP by this Friday, the 4th (407-671-0480). Did I mention that there will be door prizes too and that you get an extra shot at them if you bring a friend? :)