Thursday, April 29, 2010

Reason 457

Got a nice voice message from Holden at Hot Heads today thanking me for coming in earlier in the week and expressing everyone at the salon's hope that I am enjoying my new do. (I sure am!) I have been mourning the death of good customer service for some time now. Whenever I am faced with proof that it does still exist, at least in some pockets of Central Florida, I feel like I've seen a ghost.... not a scary ghost w/chains and hollow eyes, but a Casper - type ghost... a happy, friendly ghost.

Today's voice message is reason #457 I enjoy getting my hair cut and colored at Hot Heads.

BTW, there are only three more days left in the "whose famous hair am I wearing" contest :). (See Monday's post.) If you watch Access Hollywood...if have a current subscription to People Magazine.... or if you've spent any amount of time in the grocery store check out line lately, you can probably identify most of the styles pictured. To make it a little easier, I've just added a few new clues. :) Remember, there is a swag bag waiting for the winner of the contest. (If you can't identify these hairstyles without the hot guys, perfect features and size 2 clothes you generally see with them, please send this post to the friend you would call as your entertainment question "phone a friend" if you were ever on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. (You know who I'm talking about.)

In addition to announcing the contest winner on Sunday, I will post instructions about how you, too, can try on some famous hairstyles before you book your next appointment at Hot Heads. Have a great Friday!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Hot Hair...Fun Prize! **New clues posted on 4/29**

Tomorrow afternoon, I have an appointment at Hot Heads. I'm so excited about it! I'm ready to do something fun and different to celebrate the arrival of Spring.

To prepare for my appointment, I thought I'd try on a few of the dos of the rich and famous. Recognize any of them? If you do, post a comment listing each hairstyle's rightful :) owner. (To do so, just click on the "comments" link below and it will bring up a comment box.) The first person to get all twelve right (and in the right order) will win a specially prepared swag bag. If no one gets all twelve, the person with the highest number of correct answers will win. I'll announce the winner on Sunday, May 2nd. Good luck!

1. If you believe the gossip, this gal's got great hair and a great set of pipes. She's not very swift though.

2. Though she got her start at Disney, there's nothing childish about this look!
3. Ahh... the long, lovely locks of Laura Jeanne, a Nashville bred gal who once starred in a movie inspired by a southern rock band's biggest hit. What a sweet look!

4. The Hills are alive with great styles like this one. I like this look much better than the one spotted recently on one half of the couple known as Speidi.

5. No wonder the paparazzi follow her! Do you really need another clue for this one? Really??? Have you seen a lot of women walking down the street sporting this look... or yellow hair .... or a feather headress .... or what appears to be part of a space suit. I'm not a gambling woman, but I bet you can figure this one out.

6. What a heavenly do! I bet JT loves it!

7. She's probably best known by her three letter nickname, which she almost certainly prefers to the moniker coined to describe her and her former fiance. Ever found yourself wondering where that annoying trend of combining a famous couple's names into a couple nickname a la Brangelina or TomKat began. I'm pretty sure she can tell you. She's always a bride, never a bridesmaid... She's....

8. She's still in, can't imagine that she'll ever be out! Whether she's wearing wings or a swimsuit, she's always got the fashion world's seal of approval.

9. She was single handedly responsible for the late 70s spike in red one piece swimsuit sales. It won't take a detective to figure this one out... just any man born before 1970.

10. The most famous genie in a bottle since Barbara Eden. M-I-C (See this gal's hairstyle? I'm really thinking about it.) K-E-Y Why, because it's beautiful!

11. This lady's sure not a boy. She's not single either. Seems like she was born to be famous. Guess this life was her destiny.

12. Bounced back from her lip syncing fiasco in a way Milli Vanilli never did. Though she's a Mom, her more famous sister is the one who was accused of wearing Mom jeans last year.

Good luck! :)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's Time For Some Bright Red Nail Varnish Under Those Steel Toe Caps

I’m dedicating this post to someone I love who really needs to hear this. She knows who she is. :)

I just finished reading a book called Little Bee by Chris Cleeve. Though its well written and thought provoking, I’m not going to review it in The Hair Chair Book Club because, to be honest, it’s kind of heavy for salon chair reading. It’s told from the perspective of two different women whose lives intertwine after a chance meeting on a Nigerian Beach. I liken it to the movie, Blood Diamond, in that it you will find yourself thinking about it long after you’ve turned the last page.

Though I’m not going to review it, I am going to share a quote. The character, Little Bee, is discussing how she survived her years in an immigration detention center outside of London:

Once a week, I sat on the foam mattress of my bed and I painted my toenails. I found the little bottle of nail varnish at the bottom of a charity box. It still had the price ticket on it. If I ever discover the person who gave it then I will tell them, for the cost of one British pound note and ninety-nine pence, they saved my life. Because this is what I did in that place, to remind myself I was alive underneath everything: under my steel toe caps I wore bright red nail varnish.”

This made me think about how much it has meant to me to be able to walk out of the salon feeling beautiful during a time in my life when a lot of things were not going my way. I can't even put it into words.

Sometimes we think those little things like buying a cute new outfit every now and then ... or perhaps some pretty lingerie ... or getting a pedicure ... or having our hair professionally cut and colored at a top notch salon are frivolous. Often others in our life think this too. It’s not though. Sometimes it is just what we need to keep ourselves going and to remind ourselves that we are still vibrant … and deserving … and worthy.

When we take care of ourselves, we see ourselves differently. We find a new level of confidence that will encourage and sustain us during the darkest times. We remember that we’ve still got it going on. :)

In the same way we need to fill our gas tanks in our cars to keep them running, we need to rejuvenate. We need to replenish. We need to feed ourselves so we get that second wind and have the strength to go forward..and to prosper… and to love and to create. If we believe that we are to treat everyone in this world as people who are to be valued, we need to remember that we are in that population too. We need to remember to practice what we’ve been taught on every flight we’ve ever taken by those wise men and women in the nicely pressed slacks and starched shirts. We need to take our oxygen first so we’re strong enough to take proper care of those around us.

Though I've focused on getting pampered and on spending days at the mall, the spa or the hair or nail salon in this post - because those are topics I usually address on this blog and because I truly enjoy those things (!!!) :) - those are not the only ways to take in oxygen. There are so many more ways besides the physical that we can - and should - take care of ourselves.

Speaking personally, I also get my oxygen from transforming a piece of furniture into something new and fresh and stylish...and from reading a great book ...and from spending a day at the beach ...and from writing... and from going to church..and from playing with my dog...and from having dinner with my son .... and from getting away for the weekend with my best girl pals! Other people might find their oxygen at a cabin in the mountains or when sailing or composing music or when at a pottery class or out for a run. We each need to know what makes us feel happy and alive and we need to grab it and make it a regular part of our lives.

If things are going well in your life, do your best to maintain that. Keep yourself on your own radar screen. Make it a point to give to yourself too. Keep your tootsies colorful and your soul nourished and content.

If, like a lot of people, you’re going through a bit of a rough patch, let go of the guilt and don’t be afraid to do something special for yourself. Was your education a waste of money? Do you regret the money that you spent on it? Nope. It made you more marketable. It stretched you and empowered you. The money you spend to better yourself physically and emotionally isn't a waste either. You need to be on the top of your game in every area of your life so you are healthy enough and strong enough and confident enough to give the world the best you have to offer. If you're in the trenches... and barely holding it together, try something different this week. Put a little bright red nail varnish under those steel toe caps…

and consider getting a great new hairstyle while you’re at it. It will make all the difference in the world!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rock Star Mom

When I was in high school, I regularly read Seventeen Magazine. This meant that if I had ever been invited to join a boyfriend and his family at their house in The Hamptons, I would’ve known just what to wear. After Seventeen, I moved onto Glamour. Glamour made sure I knew to wear a basic black dress to work on (the many) days when I had to go straight from the office to a snazzy uptown cocktail party on the arm of an impossibly handsome attorney. Glamour also instructed me on the importance of stashing a sheer wrap, a tasteful clutch, sparkly earrings, the perfect shade of red lipstick and strappy sandals in my briefcase on days of this sort.

Between, my slick glossy fashion tutorials, the lovely and talented Georgette (of Gems from Georgette fame) and the bevy of beautiful and fashion forward women I am fortunate enough to call my close friends, I thought I had all the style resources I would ever need at my disposal. I couldn’t envision any social challenge that could possibly stump my team. Well, consider us stumped.

I know what to wear to a Derby Party. I know how to dress to stomp grapes. I’ve seen adorable suggested outfits for barn weddings ….and sailing excursions … and co-ed baby showers. I even know how to dress for a clambake. What I don’t know… what no one seems to know … is what is considered appropriate “Mom of a Rock Star” wear.

All of a sudden, I find myself having to assemble outfits for CD release parties, for video shoots and for tour sendoff cookouts. This is completely uncharted territory for me. There are no multi-page spreads addressing this dilemma in any of the magazines I have consulted. My friends are of no help. They know just what to wear to a former student’s wedding, to a lacrosse banquet, to a private school graduation luncheon, to a parents weekend meet and greet or to a country club brunch celebrating a neighbor’s 75th. They are of absolutely no help, however, when it comes to what one should wear when hobnobbing with other parents from a child’s band before a midnight show at The Social downtown.

Part of the problem is that there have been no pioneers. The only Mom of a “Rock Star” I can identify on sight is Debbie Nelson, Eminem’s Mom. I try to stay positive on this blog, so I need to be diplomatic here. Let’s just say, this isn’t really a look I aspire to possess.

My objective is to look hip enough so as not to embarrass my son, but I don’t want to cross the line. (I can assure you, he doesn’t want me to cross the line either. I am to blend in with the other parents and stay in the back, but I’m not to look too much like a Mom. I am not to wear outfits that draw too much attention, but I am to be current and stylish in case he chooses to introduce me to anyone or to give me a shout out from the stage. I need to look attractive enough – and yes, he wants my hair straightened - so the girls will think, “Oh yeah… now I see where he gets I see why he’s considered one of the cute ones.” :). I’m not to look like I’m trying to pick up a 25 year old though. I am not to show cleavage… AS IF.) It’s all quite complicated. There are a whole list of unspoken rules he’s conveyed, but they aren’t really helping me either.)

I’ve run a mental checklist and tried to establish some basic parameters:

Spandex? .. NO!
Uber black, spider - like false eyelashes? Probably not.
Concert t-shirts? … Hmmm… Not sure… This is tricky! Oldie goldie shirts could be cool … or they might date me. (These kids hadn’t even been born during Bruce’s Born in the USA Tour.) Should I buy a shirt the band sells at the “merch” table when I arrive and change … or is that like wearing a 5K shirt to a race you haven’t run yet? Is wearing one of my son’s band’s shirts to his show overkill? Does it make me come off like one of those Moms who prattles on endlessly about her child’s accomplishments during staff meetings at work? I mean, Debbie Phelps can wear Michael’s face on her t-shirt and it is perfectly acceptable, but it would look just plain odd if Dog, The Bounty Hunter’s Mom wore his face on hers. What to do?! Elizabeth Post never addressed this.
Magenta highlights in my hair? Just can’t see it. Besides, I like the highlights I already have, thank you very much!
Jeans? This is a toughie too Mom jeans? No. Skinny, hole-y jeans?… a) I don’t have any. b) I couldn’t fit into them if I did have them. Jeans that turn heads? Whose heads would I be attempting to turn? There will likely be exactly five other “adults” at Thursday’s concert: the parents of the lead singer, the parents of the bass player and the band manager. I’m sure they’ll all be happy to know that I’m not interested in attracting that kind of attention from any of them.
A studded belt? Just seems too Brittany during her shaved head and umbrella stage.

Here’s what I wore to the last show.

I believe I bought it at Forever 21. (Thankfully they didn’t card me at the door and bar me from entering.) A lot of people in the crowd have tattoos and this dress is a nod to that. (For the record, I did not wear this as a dress. I added a taupe-y/lavender shell, so as to be in compliance with the unspoken cleavage rule, then I put leggings under it and wore it as a top. I’m sure the 20 something year old guys who were behind me in the crowd appreciated that I knew no one was interested in seeing the aging, pale, jiggly, varicose vein adorned thighs of one of the guitarists’ Moms. (This was obviously before Operation Get My Groove Back.)

The outfit is my way of saying, "Yes, I know who Ed Hardy is, but no, I am not interested in enduring the pain, spending the money or making the commitment a real tattoo would require." Also, and this point cannot be overstated - I’m over 40 and on the conservative side. Nobody (and I’m including myself in that category) wants to see me with a giant skull and cross bones on the back of my neck.

BTW, see my cousin, Myrna (next to me in the pic)? Doesn’t she look adorable? She is sporting a black t-shirt with the phrase “Rock On” in silver lettering across the front. It’s from the Wal-Mart Miley Cyrus line and it was purchased especially for the CD release party. (I’m going out on a limb here, but I’m assuming that this is the only item from the Wal-Mart Miley Cyrus collection in Myrna’s closet.)

Myrna was such a good sport. She kept me entertained the whole night. At one point, I saw her summoning one of the bouncers over. He probably assumed that she was being jostled by a kid in the mosh pit and in need of rescuing. The guy, a big burly sort with dreads barely concealed under a croched hat, came over with a deadly serious expression on his face, obviously prepared to toss the offending kid out on his ear. Next thing I know, the guy is laughing and mugging for the camera. All Myrna had wanted was to have her picture taken with him. She even screamed along with one of the warm up bands. It was impressive (!!) much so that it prompted my friend, Sharon to deadpan, "Oh, I see you know the lyrics." That cracks me up even now!

Though I still wish my little pumpkin
was up at UF studying Engineering…and though I wish I could still choose his outfits and accessories (!!!), I have to give him props for pursuing his passion. When he was growing up, I had the Thoreau quote, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” all over our home. Apparently he took it to heart.

Perhaps, I should’ve looked for a poster that said, “Go confidently in the direction of your Mother’s dreams for you. Study hard. Get good grades. Write a bang up college application essay. Get accepted to a top tier school. Graduate with Honors. Get a fabulous, high paying job. Marry a wholesome girl who loves you and who will go shopping with me. Go to church every Sunday and provide me with adorable grandchildren to play with when I return from traveling the world.” *For the record, I’m still holding on tight to those last five or six!

Bottom line: My son is happy right now and the other kids in the band are actually great, smart, funny, friendly, talented, young men, most of whom were raised with the same values I tried to impart. This could be way worse. (Somebody has to be Marilyn Manson’s Mother. Can’t I tell you how glad I am that it’s not me!)

I spent too much of my life talking about what I wanted to do “someday” and waiting in the wings for things to change. My son is actively pursuing his dreams and working towards realizing them. I’m trying to embrace that and I’m trying to free my inner Rock Star Mom.

The band is doing alright too. I haven’t been asked to pick out a Grammy outfit yet, but he is in a “signed” band. He will be crisscrossing the country while on tour this Summer and he will see states I’ve yet to see. (Regardless of where this goes… There are worse things a person could do at age 21 than go see the country with a group of friends.) His band’s CD can be purchased on Amazon, I-Tunes and a host of other music - related sites and and they did just release their first professionally produced video. Here’s a link in case you want to see it:

I just watched it again and I had an epiphany. Maybe I do still have some influence on what he wears after all. 1) Those look like my old jeans 2) Though I tend to wear my silver hoops in my ears, I do own some. and 3) He got the inspiration for that plaid somewhere. (See above.)

Anyway, I’ll let you know what I decide to wear this Thursday. I’m sure you’ll be waiting with baited breath. In the meantime, I thought I’d share a song I “wrote” (read…stole from Pink and altered) called, So What He’s A Rock Star.

Yes, I’m an empty nester
He grabbed his guitar and went
My son’s off to make some money
Says music will pay his rent
I made sure he went to the right schools
I read to him every night
All of his grade school teachers said
God, that child is bright

Guess what? he’s now a rock star
He’s got his rock moves
He doesn’t need me
And guess what
He’s having more fun
My talented son
He’s gonna show me, he’s right
He’s alright
He’s just fine
No longer needs school so
So what
He is a rock star
He’s got his rock moves
And his music is tight

Unh Check my flow Uohhh

Played him LOQ, not lullabies
And talked to him ‘bout famous Brits
Guess I kinda played a role in
His desire to make musical hits
Now his song’s been on the radio (on Real Rock 101.1)
And on I-Tunes for kids to buy
When I talk to him ‘bout getting back in school
We always end up in a fight

Na na na na
We always end up in a fight
Na na na na
We always end up in a fight

Guess what? he’s now a rock star
He’s got his rock moves
He doesn’t need me
And guess what
He’s having more fun
My talented son
He’s gonna show me, he’s right
He’s alright
He’s just fine
No longer needs school so
So what
He is a rock star
He’s got his rock moves
And his music is tight

I’ll always care
That is for sure
I love that kid.. Short or long hair
I gave him life
Gave him my all
I’ve got his back, won’t let him fall

Guess what, he’s now a rock star
He’s got his rock moves
He doesn’t need me
And guess what
He’s having more fun
My talented son
He’s gonna show me, he’s right
He’s alright
He’s just fine
Doesn’t need school so
So what
He is a rock star
He’s got his rock moves
And his music is tight

No, no, no, no piercings, that just ain’t right
And oh that hair
Sometimes it’s really a sight
Quite the sight
Blows my mind!
And please no tattoos, oh!

God help me, he’s now a rock star
He’s got his rock moves
And he don’t need me. His future’s bright.
He’s got his rock moves

(Wooohooooooo! )

Ba da da da pffftt


Monday, April 19, 2010

I've Got A Crush...On My Brush!

It’s Spring and love is in the air. I’m one of the ones feeling it. Up ‘til now, I’ve kept this new relationship under wraps. I can’t any longer though. If you’ve seen me recently, you’ve probably noticed that something was different about me….that I just can’t stop smiling….that I’m positively beaming and that I’m sending off happy rays. Today I’m going to tell you what that’s all about.

You know that feeling when you’re newly in love and you drive all of your friends crazy because you just can’t stop talking about how spectacular the current object of your affection is? Well, I’m there right now and, if you will be so kind as to indulge me, I’ll tell you why. If you’re in an “I HATE hearts and flowers and anything having to do with romance” mood, I have a promise to make on the front end: There are more out there like this one. I know where they are and I’d be happy to make the introductions.

OK… I’ve got to back up a bit. Looks like I’m getting a head of myself. (See, didn’t I tell you I was feeling giddy?) I’m going to start at the beginning.

In order to properly appreciate the fabulousness of my new love, you have to start with an understanding of what I’ve been through. So… for those of you who aren’t already in the know, I’ll give you a quick introduction to some of my exes. (Trust me. There were others besides the ones mentioned below!)

This was young love. Simply put: I outgrew this one.

I don’t know how to describe this one without sounding crass and rude. I guess I’ll just come out with it: This one was rough and didn’t know what he was doing. He was common. He was a rank amateur. He was cheap and he left me completely frazzled.

This one had pretty boy syndrome. He was attractive enough to look at, but he was a bit of an airhead.

This one and I went round and round… for years. He had some redeeming qualities, but when I think back on our time together, I just bristle.
I could look back on all of these relationships with disdain, but I’ve chosen not to. I’ve chosen to take the high road. I wish them all the best. Having said that, I don’t wish for them to end up with any of you. Please learn from my mistakes. If you are not deliriously happy in this area of your life right now in the same way that I am, here is my advice to you… set your standards higher and venture out there and get what you need.

Without further ado…. Let me introduce HIM. (Did you hear singing in the background? I did!)

This magnificent creature has kind of a long name. Just more of him to love, I say. His first name is PC. It stands for pin cushion. It’s a bit unorthodox, I know. Basically, it means that though he's got a tough exterior and though he’s lean and angular…he’s got a soft side too. I just love his soft side!

His middle name is Tourmaline. I didn’t know the origin of that name so I looked it up. (Even when I’m head over heels, I still run to Google, so I know what I’m dealing with.) Apparently Tourmaline has something to do with gems and ions and being a protector. Gem? That is a nice word, don’t you think? When I hear the world gem in conjunction with someone I’m involved with, I consider that to be a very good thing. Being a protector? How refreshing to have someone in my life who looks out for me… and ions? Well, I’m not going to over analyze that. Basically it means, he’s sending off some amazing vibes and that we’ve got great chemistry.

My beau’s last name is Paddle Brush. Kind of sounds like he’s got a wild side, doesn’t it? Maybe he does. I don’t ever call him by his last name though, I just call him Mr. Wonderful.

Since I’m among friends here, I’m going to kiss and tell. Mr. Wonderful and I spend a lot of time together when I am just out of the shower. As you might imagine, things are kind of steamy right about then. I always want to engage with him at this point, but I don’t let myself. Since I’ve read The Rules, I know I’ll have better results if I make him wait. I do. I dry off and then… he goes to work.

You want more details? Honestly, girls, show some decorum. This is a PG rated blog and I need to leave something to your imagination. I’m just going to tell you this: He is quite the smooth operator. He is sleek. He is sure and he brings out the very best in me. Let me tell you this too… I flat out love this one. I do. I like the way he looks. I like the way he feels and I think he’s a keeper.

Where did we meet, you ask? Well, Barry sort of introduced us. He wasn’t actually in the room when I first saw Mr. Wonderful, but he did tell me about all his incredible attributes and he did he did vouch for him.

Honestly, I’ve never been happier in this area of my life. I hope you don’t think it’s insensitive for me to gush and carry on like this when I know some of you don’t have this. I’m sorry. I just can’t help it! That’s how satisfied I am right now. As I said earlier though, though, I can hook you up. I want you to be this happy too! Just give me the word and I’ll gladly do the introductions.

Happy Spring, Girls! XXOO, The HHG

Friday, April 16, 2010

Change Is Good....

(Bills are better! :)
This is what my wallet looks like before the garage sale I'm having this weekend.

Hopefully this is what it will look like after the sale.

Speaking of change.... Don't you just love great before & after pics? Me too! Thought I'd upload a couple. These were actually taken back in Feb, but I didn't get a chance to post them then. I thought you might enjoy seeing them.

These gals already looked good when they walked into Hot Heads. They looked... and felt... even better when they left.

Looking for a change this weekend? Pick up the phone and book an appt 407-671-0480.

I have a feeling this is going to be a wonderful weekend for all of us! Hope when it's over, I'll have a full wallet and you'll be looking like a million bucks. Happy Friday! The HHG

Monday, April 12, 2010

Missing Dixie

Dixie Virginia Carter (May 25, 1939 – April 10, 2010)

Like most fans of the show, my favorite Designing Woman was spoiled, former beauty queen, Suzanne Sugarbaker, wonderfully played by the real life former Miss Orlando, Delta Burke. I had the opportunity to see the Colonial High School graduate in person in her sash and tiara down at Lake Eola in the mid-70s and I can attest, she was as beautiful in person as she appeared to be on the show.

Though I adored Suzanne, Julia Sugarbaker was a force to be reckoned with as well. The chemistry between Burke’s Suzanne and her TV sister, Julia, played by the late, great Dixie Carter, was such a treat to watch. I was in stitches every time they were on screen together.

One of my favorite exchanges between the two women took places immediately after Julia’s ill fated modeling debut. I’m posting a link in case you haven’t seen it.

The whole thing is amusing, but it’s comic gold from about 43 second mark until the end. If you have ever done anything embarrassing in a very public way…or if you have ever had a sister who seemed to take delight in your misfortune (Sorry Cindy, for my reaction to the untied wrap around skirt incident) …you will relate to this.

I have been remiss in not mentioning Dixie Carter’s passing on this blog. In the show, her character was the one who defined style and class. That is, apparently, not too dissimilar from who she was in real life. She will be missed …. even by those who just cherished her from afar.

Missin' You, Sugar!

Yesterday, I shared a couple of stories about some conversations I had recently at the Altamonte Springs Dunkin Donuts. Since I’m “back on the wagon" today and consequently dealing with dealing with sugar withdrawal, I think I’ll placate myself by at least thinking about donuts. (Darn this Operation Get My Groove Back!)

If you’ll indulge me, here is part two of my Dunkin Donuts love story. (We’ve got history!) Actually, I should really call this Donut Love, The Prequel, because it starts at *the beginning*.

Someone else who "gets it"

To put my relationship with the Altamonte Springs Dunkin Donuts in a context readers of this blog will understand, when I started patronizing the store, my hair was in the early 70s version of a pixie cut and the color of my roots was a non-issue. Below, please find a brief essay I wrote about all this several years back. In addition to explaning the depth of my devotion (dysfunction? :), it will offer you a little advice I think will serve you well. Enjoy!

When my son was younger, he was once given an assignment to write an autobiography. One of the topics he was to address in this autobiography was his place of birth. I’m sure the other kids wrote things like Poughkeepsie, NY or New Orleans. My child wrote that he was born at Florida Hospital near the Dunkin Donuts. I thought this was pretty amusing. When I go to Dunkin Donuts, a related thought often goes through my mind. I glance over at the hospital and smile to myself thinking, Ahhh, look… my little sweetheart was born there.

Dunkin Donuts recently had a message on its marquee thanking its customers for 30 years of patronage. As one of the people who has been frequenting that store for those three decades, I say a resounding, “You’re Welcome”.

Shortly after my parents got divorced and my mother decided we needed to move several hours upstate to make a fresh start, my brother, my sister and I began our relationship with the Altamonte Springs Dunkin Donuts. Our father, who I have often described as a better part time father than most full time fathers, faithfully drove an eight or nine hour round trip to see us every other weekend from the time we moved to Central Florida when I was still in elementary school until the time my younger brother went off to college. Sometimes he even drove another two hours once he got here so we could spend the weekend at the Cocoa Beach Holiday Inn. When that didn’t happen, the place we stayed at most often was the Ramada Inn, located less than a mile and a half from the beckoning orange and pink sign.

The Dunkin Donuts sign is actually one of the things I like best about that store. I don’t know the owners personally, but I know this… they’re good people. Sometimes the sign out front advertises the coffee or a particular special, but more often than not, the message on the sign is something uplifting. That has been the case for as far back as I can remember.

As I recall, my sister liked the “honey dipped” donuts or the crullers the best, my brother the jelly and my Dad the maple. What I liked then were the chocolate cream filled ones. (I’ve since moved onto chocolate glazed.)

While the donuts were the big draw when I was a child, the coffee, polite kids behind the counter and cleanliness keep me coming back. Starbucks, Einstein’s and Panera’s have their place, to be certain, but for a regular $1.99 cup of coffee to jump start your morning, Dunkin Donuts just can’t be beat.

As for the kids, two things stand out to me. One, they must ride to work in Doc Brown’s Delorean, because they exhibit a level of customer service you just don’t see from teenagers today. The other thing that I’ve noticed is that the same kids are there week after week, which I assume means that they enjoy their jobs.

The reason I feel the need to mention the Altamonte Springs Dunkin Donuts, is because our town just “hired” the donut store version of a buxom blonde secretary in a tight skirt and scoop necked blouse. Right down the street from Dunkin Donuts in an old Pizza Hut, a gimmicky new donut, coffee and dessert chain with a provocative name and an eye catching logo (Hotties - in funky black letters, “i” dotted with a little red heart) just set up shop. About a mile down from this new Hotties, is a Hotties billboard, so you can’t really miss the place.

Hotties is cute. I know because I’ve been there. The floors are black and white and the employees smartly dressed and solicitous. The donuts, pastry versions of the houses in Seaside or Celebration (Florida’s planned communities), are symmetrical, colorful and artfully arranged. They sit on silver chrome trays behind glass. Some have pink icing. Some have white icing. Some have chocolate icing and a few have cherries on top. In the back of the store, there is a beverage station complete with a gleaming silver coffee urn and on the side wall, neatly arranged merchandise shelves.

The reason I went to Hotties, aside from curiosity, was because my son and his friends begged me to take them there. While they didn’t tell me this directly, I could tell by what they said to each other that the desire to try new donuts had nothing to do with this request. Based on the appearance of the sign, these boys were convinced that Hotties was Hooters with a different menu. (Since I knew it wasn’t, I obliged.)

Everyone I’ve talked to about this – including the boys - prefers Dunkin Donuts’ donuts to Hotties’ donuts. I could compare the coffee, but why? It would be too much like watching the US Men’s Olympic Basketball Team take on five random Hungarians… As I said earlier, nobody makes coffee like Dunkin Donuts.

I bring all this up for a reason. Whenever you are faced with a really important decision …. like what to have for breakfast or whether to cheat on your spouse, remember this phrase: “Watch out for the Hotties.*”

** Note: shortly after I wrote this, Hotties closed.
*** Additional Note: While it’s OK to look hot … (Hello! I write a blog about hair and fashion)… when it comes to people .... and/or a donut shops … never underestimate the value of relationships and good taste! :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sweet Words

One of the most humbling and upsetting verbal exchanges I have ever been involved in took place at Dunkin Donuts about a year or so ago. In order to stay competitive, the Dunkin Donuts near my home had just started offering free WIFI. Though they will never have the same LPSF (laptops per/square footage) stats as Panera’s, it is no longer uncommon to see a Dunkin Donuts’ patron sitting at one of the picnic tables outside of the restaurant with a styrofoam cup of coffee in one hand and a mouse in the other. I am occasionally one of these patrons.

Apparantly this phenomenon is annoying to some. I found that out when a gentleman of a certain age tried to start a conversation with me. Here was his opening line: “Oh… I see your one of those types.” I foolishly engaged. “What type?”, I asked. “You know”, he responded, “one of those laptop and latte types who have been taking over my Dunkin Donuts”. “Your Dunkin Donuts?”, I shot back. “I’ve been coming to this Dunkin Donuts for over 30 years.” (In retrospect, I think that line is where the trouble began. He probably assumed I was already out on my own when I began frequenting the restaurant. Starting with that presumed age, he did the mental math.)

Right after I set him straight about whose Dunkin Donuts we were inhabiting, he perked up and switched into pick up mode. “You look to be about my age”, he began. “Are you single or do you have any friends who are?” I am rarely speechless, but for a moment, I was. I believe I mumbled a quick catchall “no” and looked back down at my e-mail. Mr Smooth continued, “How old are you anyway?”, he asked.

I stopped typing and looked directly at him. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you that it is impolite to ask a woman how old she is? Since we’re on the subject though, I’d like to know how old you are since you mentioned that we appear to be about the same age.” I am still trying to recover from his answer. “59”, he responded… then trying to back pedal since I was clearly offended….“but you look to be younger than that”. OUCH! (Of course this entire episode took place before Diane started doing my color. The man in question was also in the company of his devoted seeing eye dog, Trevor. *OK, perhaps that last part isn’t exactly accurate, but I have mentally edited it into my recollection. Everyone I know who had at least 39 candles on his or her last birthday cake has impaired vision. I’m sure this guy, who was clearly on the other side of 59, was no exception. In fact, I’m sure I was nothing more than a collection of fuzzy shapes to him. That’s what I’m choosing to believe anyway.)

This morning I had a more uplifting experience at Dunkin Donuts. I’m about a week into Operation Get My Groove Back and I decided to reward myself with …. a donut.

(Yes, I realize I need therapy.) Because of the jump start you get when you first go from eating really badly to eating moderately badly, I am four pounds lighter than I was last weekend. I’m kind of happy about this…so much so that I decided to put on a cute, bright pink sundress and sandals.

One of the other Dunkin Donuts regulars (another old cronie) gave me the once over and asked me how I can regularly eat donuts and still maintain my figure. I was elated. Clearly Operation Get My Groove Back is working… or clearly I am a just collection of fuzzy shapes to this guy too. In any event, I’ll take my compliments wherever I can get them.

This is my Operation GMGB tip of the week: If you are in need of a mental lift when trying to lose weight, put on a cute outfit and go hang out at the donut shop…or the ice cream parlor or outside of Lane Bryant. Being told you have a cute figure by partially blind people in these locales is not unlike being told you look young while taking part in a BINGO tournament at your Grandmother’s nursing home. It’s still nice to hear though!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm Giving This Advice - A 10!

The ten year anniversary issue of O Magazine is on newstands and grocery store shelves now and I just had a chance to delve into it. To help celebrate the milestone, ten of the magazine's most popular contributors have written a list of ten things they consider to be absolutes in their areas of expertise. Valerie Monroe, Beauty Director of the magazine, shared this:

"One impeccable, classic haircut is worth more than all the stying products in the world. A haircut is a litte like a dress: If you start out with terrific tailoring, accessorizing is uncessary (but still can be lots of fun).

Skimp on other things if you must, but make sure you invest in a good haircut. It'll make all the difference in the world!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Operation Get My Groove Back

A chocolate glazed donut + flat bread + a glass of wine + pasta + red velvet cake + Easter candy + ham + deviled eggs + green bean casserole + potato salad + pineapple upside down cake (SOME of what I ate this past weekend) does not = progress towards the bod I want by Oct (and ideally a lot sooner than that). I have about six more months until my high school class reunion and my get together with my college pals and even less than that until I’m *S*I*N*G*L*E* again.

It’s time to launch Operation GMGB (Get My Groove Back). Operation GMGB will involve a laser focus on reclaiming what I’ve lost, a relentless quest for what I want and a full scale assault on anything in my life that’s keeping me from being fabulous.

Some its goals will involve dealing with relationship and fiscal unpleasantness i.e. finalizing the end of my marriage and banishing collectors who are bringing me down. (Long term goal: Start making a decent amount of money again so I can eliminate all debts and rebuild my retirement account. Short term goal: Set my answering machine to mute.)

Some of its goals will involve surrounding myself with things that make me happy. Have I mentioned my new condo? Have I mentioned that I’m geared up to paint, tile and sew my way onto the pages of Coastal Living? I think I have.

Some of Operation Get My Groove Back’s goals are more physical. One, for example - the one I alluded to above - is to reclaim the figure I had in college.

Dear Body, I promise that if you return, I will not defile you with acid washed jeans or leg warmers this time!

One time when I was in college, Karen B and I were washing a car wearing shorts and t-shirts. A guy who was driving slowly by watching us instead of the road hit a vehicle parked nearby. I shouldn’t admit this, but that was one of the proudest moments of my life. I want to cause fender benders again. Can that still happen at this point in life? Valerie Bertinelli says it can.

Anyway, my plan is to start eating right, stepping up my exercising efforts and taking it One Day at a Time. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. (My goal for this part of Operation GMGB is to offer up a periodic written version of The Biggest Loser …. only without yelling, commercials or bad hair.)

With weight loss, I’ve learned, the critical thing is not so much the ability to lose, but the ability to maintain. Guess that’s true with everything of value.

If you asked most women on the street to name two things that would help a gal get her groove back, I’ll bet these would be right up at the top: great friends and amazing hair. Here are two areas where I’m quite fortunate. Here are two areas where what I need to do is continue on my present course.

I already have a lot of people around me who make me happy. I do my best to make them happy in return. All I can do to improve this facet of my life is to try and be a better mother, daughter, sister, cousin and friend …. to them. I’m also going to eliminate from my world any people who wreak emotional havoc, who seek to hurt me or who unintentionlly cause me harm by their continued lack of concern for my well being. (Thankfully there aren't many of those people in my life. In time, I hope to tell you that there are none.)

As for my hair, I know you know how I feel about this. I love, love, love the color of my hair! I think you know why.

Dear God, I loved the color of the hair I was born with. When it comes to coloring baby hair, You are the best! You are still the best at handling everything else in my life. *Obviously You chose to delegate on post 40 hair. It's OK. I know you've got bigger fish to fry.

Dear Diane, You rock! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I LOVE the color of my post 40 hair. Have I mentioned that lately? It is SO MUCH better than my natural color(s). * (See disclaimer above.) It's so much better than anything I've ever been able to do on my own and it's infinitely better than anything I have ever had done at another salon. (Once upon a time I didn't know you all were the best in town. Sorry!) My post 40 new and improved hair makes me feel like I'm pre-40... hot and happening .... and still able to cause the kind of reaction that might require a tow truck ... or perhaps a difibulator. Muchas gracias! Merci beacoup! Tausend Dank!

Let me repost the Jennifer Aniston (with fab hair and with gray hair) photos to remind you just how critical great hair is to a person’s overall appearance.

Anyway, I’m on a journey towards being legally single again and at some point, happily in a new, better, lasting, loving relationship. I’m on a journey towards financial solvency… better yet, financial success that exceeds my expectations and down the road, a worry free retirement. I’m on a journey to a living environment that brings me peace and comfort. I’m on a journey to bring more meaning and purpose into my life and I’m on a journey (I’ve already got my Nike’s laced up) to a smaller, smokin' bod. OK, perhaps that last part was a bit shallow...and ambitious...and optimistic..and naive. :) Let me rephrase. I’m launching Operation Get My Groove Back in order to create… re-create… reclaim… a healthier, happier me. Thought I’d share in case you want to join me.

PS Speaking of great hair color, check out my Mom and the Grand Marnier gals. Between Mom's fetching shade of white/gray (under the Gilligan's Island hat) and the gals' "Eat Your Heart Out Ginger ...and Mary Ann" red, heads were turning out at the Disney Dolphin this past Saturday.

Photo by my sister, Cindy :)

I had a great weekend! Hope you did too... Now... on to bigger... I mean smaller things..

Have a great Tuesday!

** On a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH more serious note, prayers for the missing miners and their families as well as to the families of those who lost their lives.

Friday, April 2, 2010

All I Need To Know, I Learned From The Easter Bunny

This came in an e-mail this morning from my friend, Lisa. It's one of those things you can't properly credit, because no one really knows who wrote it. All I can tell you is that I didn't. :) I think it's cute though! Happy Easter... and Happy Passover too! Have a wonderful weekend!

All I need to know,
I learned from the Easter Bunny:

1. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
2. Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.
3. There's no such thing as too much candy.
4. All work and no play can make you a basket case.
5. A cute tail attracts a lot of attention.
6. Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day. *
7. Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.
8. Some body parts should be floppy.
9. Keep your paws off of other people's jelly beans.
10.Good things come in small, sugar coated packages.
11.The grass is always greener in someone else's basket.
12.To show your true colors, you have to come out of the shell.
13.The best things in life are still sweet and gooey.

* Bad hare days aren't necessary. Hot Heads 407-671-0480. :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My New Tattoo!

April Fools! :)

When I got together with my college friends in 2008, we made a list of things we were each to accomplish before we reconvened later this year. One of the things on the list was to get a tattoo. This presented a bit of a problem for me as I'm not really a tattoo kind of a girl. Since most of the other girls aren't either, we decided that henna or temporary tattoos would count. This one was mine.

I wore it for about three hours on the morning of my birthday. I've had a thing for butterflies since my life veered off track. I really like what they symbolize about second chapters.

Hope you didn't fall for anything too outlandish today! :) Happy April!