Anyway, the princesses are young and I don't want to hurt their feelings. In case they happen to stumble across my blog :), I wanted to share a hopeful thought: Girls, remember, there was a time when Britney Spears was on the cover of every magazine in print sporting a crew cut and wielding an umbrella and she seems to be recovering quite nicely. Don't let one REALLY (correction REALLY, REALLY! :) bad fashion choice ruin your lives. Go to the mall. Drop some cash on a couple of cute outfits. Embrace the fact that you're young, beautiful and well connected and move on.
While I'm being catty... What on earth died on Merideth Vieira's head the other morning? I know she's a busy woman and probably didn't have much time to shop, but really.... That's the best she could do? I'm guessing that when rushing from the set of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? to Today Show headquarters, she sideswiped a squirrel, threw it on her head, and decided to save time and go straight to the airport. That is the only possible explanation for the fact that someone with her resources would go on camera in front of millions in that get up. I was hoping to post a picture of the hat, just in case you missed it, but alas, I am unable to locate a copy. Perhaps, the family of the dead animal refused to sign the waiver. Just a thought.... :)
For the record, I love Meredith Vieira and I thought almost everyone else looked gorgeous the other morning... especially the bride! So many women got it so right. It was as if someone put Easter morning, a pitcher of mint julips, a box of crayolas, all of the ribbon at Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, the kiss shaped street lights in Hershey, PA and the sun itself in a giant blender. It was a sight to behold and I loved every minute of it.
Surely one of these days the reality of my life is going to make me stop being such an incurable romantic. Kind of hope not though. :) Hope you enjoyed the romance, pomp and in some cases spectacle Friday as much as I did. Have a great week! <3 The HHG
Want to make sure you're looking regal for any upcoming weddings you need to attend this summer? Pick up the phone! 407-671-0480. :)
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