Sunday, April 10, 2011

In Loving Memory...

Straw Purse, age 8 or 9, of Altamonte Springs, passed away on Thursday, April 7, 2011 as a result of complications resulting from a run in with a badly behaved canine. The details of Straw Purse’s early days are unknown, but it is widely believed that he came to the US by way of the Caribbean, most likely in the clutches of an intoxicated American tourist in a tropical print sundress. Straw Purse took up residence in the Hot Head Groupie’s home in or around 2007, shortly after she saw him at a – gasp – garage sale. The two soon became inseparable. Straw Purse vacationed with the Hot Heads Groupie. He joined her for breakfast at the beach. He cruised Park Avenue with her. He went with her to summer cookouts and he accompanied her to outdoor concerts.

A small, natural colored purse with brown leather straps and a palm tree and foliage adorned exterior, Straw Purse would’ve been considered attractive even without his playful primate pal. With it, however, he could really turn some heads. The mischievous, leaping monkey reaching for coconuts and clutching a couple of fronds, was the topic of so many conversations over the course of Straw Purse’s life. Everyone from leather - skinned fisherman, to children in wet bathing suits and floaties to the “ladies who lunch” noticed the monkey, commented about him and smiled. Now that his days as a handbag have come to an end, Straw Purse will likely be reworked into a scrapbook album cover in the Hot Head Groupie’s home. Straw Purse did not leave specific written instructions regarding his wishes for his post accessory life, but the Hot Heads Groupie believes he would’ve been pleased by the prospect of spending all eternity in such close proximity to photos of her lounging poolside and listening to steel drums. Straw Purse is survived by a closet full of hats, sunglasses, shoes, belts and bangles of all colors and sizes. Though everyone will miss him, the Hot Head Groupie’s extensive flip flop collection will likely feel his loss most acutely. In lieu of flowers, mourners are encouraged to purchase an umbrella drink in Straw Purse’s memory. May he rest in peace.

Straw Purse, April 2011, on his final outing. Note the fatal wound on his top right side. It would be too goulish to post a pic of what he looks like from the back. :( It's a good thing for the offending dog that she's adorable.

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