A musical take on my day yesterday (if I was Nancy Sinatra :)

These feet are made for jogging. Yesterday that’s what they did
They ran the Watermelon 5K with some gal pals and a kid
A massive throng of people decked out in patriotic gear
Worked their way through downtown streets. ‘Twas enough to bring a tear.
These feet are also made for walking… last night in these flip flops
I walked the beach and saw fireworks and dodged a few rain drops.
They ran the Watermelon 5K with some gal pals and a kid
A massive throng of people decked out in patriotic gear
Worked their way through downtown streets. ‘Twas enough to bring a tear.
These feet are also made for walking… last night in these flip flops
I walked the beach and saw fireworks and dodged a few rain drops.
I love the 4th of July! It’s one of my very favorite holidays! Yesterday was a particularly fun 4th, because I spent quite a few hours of it over at New Smyrna Beach. It was wonderful! There is nowhere in the world I’d rather spend Independence Day than at the beach!
At the beach, you get all of the sparkle and spectacle of the day, with the added bonus of surf, sun and snacks, and you get to enjoy it all without having to deal with crowds and traffic jams. I just love that! There’s something about sitting in a folding chair watching spontaneous celebrations erupt for miles in either direction while listening to the waves break and enjoying a frosty beverage or two that reminds me just how much I love this country!
I spent several hours last evening walking barefoot in the sand and enjoying a friend’s beach house cookout. It was a fun crowd! A friend of a friend twisted a college kid's :) arm about a week ago in order to make sure we’d all get to enjoy the most impressive fireworks display. The effort paid off! In very close proximity to the house and mere yards from the shore, big boxes of explosives were set off in the minutes before and after the beach patrol passed. (I’m fairly sure state lines were crossed, a respectable sum of money dispensed and lives and limbs risked in order to make this happen.) Though there were fireworks everywhere we looked last night, among the most colorful and amazing were those that materialized right in front of us as we stood on the third floor deck while enjoying a little vino and listening to some great music!
I loved the feeling of accomplishment after running the 5K. I was entertained by the sprinting stature of liberty and the sea of red white and blue. I took a one day respite from eating properly and did some real damage at the buffet table (YUM!) and I spent time with some really great people. Though we did have a little encounter with “liquid sunshine”, it passed quickly. All in all, it was an awesome, unforgettable day!
Hope your day was memorable too!. Hope today is even better! Paint your toenails red, pull your hair back in a ponytail, relax, hang out with the people you love, eat a little potato salad and a brownie or two and listen to Lee Greenwood. God bless the USA! :)
Oh, congrats on that run! I wouldn't last ten minutes, bad I know!! Lovely flip flops and nails..., that's all I wear in the summer, flip flops. They're sooo comfy. And it sounds like you had a great Holiday. I'm a homebody these days, not much in a "going to the beach" mood..., but I did see lots of fireworks from my porch. Thanks for you input on the buoys!!!