The ice caps have melted. (OK… not really.)

Disney’s Blizzard Beach
The polar bears have gone off to hibernate. (OK, that hasn’t happened either.)
One of Sea World’s more popular residents.
The ice skating venues have packed up and left town. (Yes, that did actually happen!)
The Park Ave ice skating peacock heading back to the locker room to put on his Speedo.
After the worst Central Florida Winter in over three decades, the temperature is finally, consistently hitting 70+ degrees. It’s Chamber of Commerce weather, I tell you, and I couldn’t be happier.
I spent quite a bit of time this weekend over at Crane’s Roost Park.

Saturday afternoon, my friend Nancy treated me to lunch at Café Murano (the old Gina's). The weather was so perfect! It was warm. There was a slight breeze. There wasn’t a rain cloud in sight. We loved it! In fact, we both contemplated jumping into her convertible and heading for the beach. Had it not already been so late in the day, I’m sure we would’ve done it!
The other thing I did this weekend, besides bask in the warmth, was work on my new condo. As much as I hated moving, I am loving getting settled into my new place. I emptied all kinds of boxes. I hung pictures and I made an Ikea run. Things are starting to come together and I’m pretty excited about it!
While I was doing all of those things, I had an epiphany. Spring has long been known as a time of year when people, even those who have been in the same place forever, make an effort to improve their living environments. It occurred to me this weekend, that we need to apply the same rigor to our bods. This is the time of year when we need pedicures, so we’re ready for those cute sundresses and flip flops. This is swimsuit season, so we need to step up the intensity of our exercise routines and change our menus to healthier fare. We also need cute new dos to frame our newly sunkissed faces.
It wouldn’t really be appropriate to call this added attention to our external selves Spring cleaning, as I am making the assumption that we were already quite clean under all those layers of Winter clothing. I think a better name would be Spring sprucing.
I am planning to make a particularly valiant effort to spruce myself up this year. That’s because this is a big year for me. Six months from this coming Friday I plan to be in the company of a large number of my former high school classmates over at the Winter Park Farmer’s Market. This is a reunion year for me. That same month, I hope to be sipping umbrella drinks with some of my favorite people on the planet, my best college pals. It’s our relatively new tradition to try and gather somewhere every other year for a much needed Girls’ Weekend full of fun and relaxation. 2010 is one of our years to gather. The biggie is that I will be OFFICIALLY single again for the first time since The Bangles were advising us all to walk like Egyptians. YIKES!
Anyway, since you are probably interested in Spring sprucing too, I wanted to remind you about the Hot Heads promotion. If you go to Hot Heads this Wed and mention this blog, you will receive a 25% discount on one of the services. (See details on the top left side of the page.)
Well, that’s it. My fingers have thawed and my crises have largely been resolved, so I’m back to blogging on a regular basis again. Looking forward to catching up. Happy Spring!
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