Guess this was my first experience with the now well known concept of a vision board. Basically, you cut out pictures of things you want to bring into your life, display them in a prominent place and **POOF** … they appear. Though I’ve gone on record as saying I’m a rather conservative gal and though I know the idea sounds a bit new agey… I think there is something to it.
Maybe frequently looking at the picture of what you desire burns the image onto your brain in the same way that the Microsoft logo would be burned onto your monitor if you never powered down your computer. Maybe the consistent exposure to what you yearn for changes your internal wiring in the same way that a baby chick’s exposure to a red rubber ball can make it think the ball is its mother. (See Mom and Dad... I did learn something in college.) Maybe because of the constant visual reminder of what you want, you stay on top of working towards acquiring it. Maybe it keeps you focused. Maybe your loved ones catch a glimpse of your board, see what you are trying to attain and consciously or subconsciously help you get it. I’m not sure exactly how the whole thing works, but I believe it does. I’ve had a lot of proof of that lately.
Last year in the aftermath of the one two punch of marital meltdown and job loss, I put together a vision board featuring some of the things I hope to see in my life soon! On my board, I have pictures of my beach house. I have a picture of myself next to Janet Evanovich (which was taken at a book signing a year or so back). I have a copy of a $1,000 check I won once for an essay contest. I have pictures of tropical locales that I want to visit. I have a photo of a woman doing yoga on the beach and I have a picture of Big (from Sex and The City) taking Carrie in his arms and giving her the kind of kiss that might just make her Manolos melt right off her feet.

While none of those things exist in my life today in exactly the way they are pictured on my board, things have definitely been happening lately that are bringing me closer to where I want to be. My new condo is just one example. As I mentioned, on my board, I have pictures representing my beach house. There is a picture of a stylishly appointed porch.

There is one of a lovely hibiscus plant and there are some great shots of the surf and sand and of friends gathering.
To have even dreamt of acquiring a beach house in the current economic climate and in my present single and underemployed state seemed borderline delusional. What I should’ve been planning to do was downsize to a smaller place (read a rented room, a homeless shelter or my car). Downsizing is not what I’m doing though.
I’m still considerably west – about 45 minutes “as the seagull flies” - of the closest beach. In fact, I’m not close to any water at all, except when it rains and the grass on the side of the major road I’m overlooking puddles up.
What I am in, however, is my own place (!) ….a place I can paint whatever color strikes my fancy. I am in my own place that is now decorated in a style I call Design on a Dime (Design on a Nickel would be even more appropriate) meets Coastal Living. Basically what that means is that I have a lot of hand me downs and thrift shop finds and that I know how to use a paintbrush and spread a coat of thin set.
I’m in my own place that has more square footage than my old place… especially when you consider that it did not come furnished with two 20 year olds and posters of scary looking band guys covered in piercings and tattoos …and I am in my own place that has a floor plan I adore. Is it a beach house in the truest sense of the word? Nope. Is it coastal in character and decor, comfy, MINE and a step of Neil Armstrong proportion in the right direction, however? It most certainly is and I couldn’t be more delighted.
I’m posting today because I want you to consider creating a vision board of your own. I’m posting because I want to encourage you to get out a favorite magazine and a pair of scissors and create a visual representation of what you really want.
I do have to caution you though. You must be specific when you put images on your vision board. If you’re not, there’s no telling what you might bring into your life. I know that because today I brought a passel of six year olds into mine. Let me explain.
A couple of years back, my friend Bonny Russell gave me a framed picture of some artwork created by her talented first grade class for a school fund raiser. The picture is a series of brightly colored concentric circles. It’s vibrant. It’s fun and it makes me smile. Because I just broke the frame, I decided to move the picture to my vision board. It occurred to me that having it there might bring a little more beauty and creativity into my life. I moved the picture last night. This morning, I got a call to cover Ms Russell’s first grade class at Wekiva Elementary.
This made me look at my entire vision board with a more critical eye. What do I want the woman doing yoga on the beach to bring into my life? Serenity? A great figure? Danskin workout wear? What about Mr. Big? He’s on the board to send the message out into the universe that I want real romance in my life again. What if the message that gets communicated instead is that I want to be passionately kissed by "Good Looking Indecisive Man"? I can hear the collective grown from my friends and family already. Nobody in my world is ready to deal with the repercussions of my being passionately kissed by "Good Looking Indecisive Man"….especially after everything they’ve already dealt with in regards to my past relationships. It also made me think that perhaps I should've posted one of the GQ guys who was wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase on my bulletin board in college and not one who was sitting idly by the pool giving a come hither stare to a model in an adjacent shoot or even more likely to his own reflection in the camera lens.
So…. Snip away, paste away and make those dreams happen… just be careful what you wish for. Also, if what you’re hoping to bring into your life is a fun, trendy new look for Spring… don’t just post that picture of a haircut you love or a color that you know will look great on you on your vision board. Take it with you to Hot Heads. Happy Dreaming! The HHG :)