Dear Hot Heads Groupie,
I have set a little money aside for Valentine’s Day. How should I spend it?
A) Buy an obscure CD the guy I’m (kind of, sort of) seeing once mentioned in passing, so as to show him how attuned I am to who he really is. Get him a Tommy Hilfiger shirt that I know will look great on him and pick up a cleverly written card that perfectly sums up our budding relationship......or….
B) Get my hair cut and colored at Hot Heads so that I look amazing.
Young, Naïve and Eager to Please
Dear Young, Naïve and Eager,
There was a time in my life when I would’ve told you to go w/option A. I know now that that would've been bad advice. After years of carefully observing the techniques employed by women who have men eating out of their hands, I can tell you WITH CERTAINTY that the answer is B. While your guy would probably be appreciative of your gestures if you bought him the CD and the nice looking shirt, he would very likely end up wearing that shirt and listening to that CD on his date with your successor.
He’d much rather have a date with a hot babe who values and takes care of herself. Men are visual creatures. You can like that fact or dislike it. What you can’t do is change it.
Men also like confidence. You are the prize. When you let the object of your affection know that, he’ll be oh so eager to win the prize. If you pander to your guy, he will become bored and go after someone who is more of a challenge. Then what will happen? You’ll be back out in the dating pool with mousy hair and broken spirits. Obviously that won’t do!
A much better alternative is to treat your guy to a date with the hottest girl in town. If he gets how awesome you are, bask in the attention. If he is blind and/or confused, move on and flip that amazing looking hair in the presence of any other cute, single men you desire. Then walk away. It’s a virtual certainty that men from three states away will follow. Think, “Field of Dreams” meets “My Fair Lady” meets “Something About Mary”. If Hot Heads styles it, they will come calling.
Disclaimer: If you are trying to win over the kind of man who is only attracted to men, twelve year olds or the kind of women whose dysfunctional lives could land them their own reality shows, option B won’t deliver the desired results. No worries! You’ll still be better off! You will have spent your money wisely and you will look and feel incredible.
Hope that helps and I hope to see you at Hot Heads shortly! Happy Valentine’s Day!
XXOO, The Hot Heads Groupie :)
A) Buy an obscure CD the guy I’m (kind of, sort of) seeing once mentioned in passing, so as to show him how attuned I am to who he really is. Get him a Tommy Hilfiger shirt that I know will look great on him and pick up a cleverly written card that perfectly sums up our budding relationship......or….
B) Get my hair cut and colored at Hot Heads so that I look amazing.
Young, Naïve and Eager to Please
Dear Young, Naïve and Eager,
There was a time in my life when I would’ve told you to go w/option A. I know now that that would've been bad advice. After years of carefully observing the techniques employed by women who have men eating out of their hands, I can tell you WITH CERTAINTY that the answer is B. While your guy would probably be appreciative of your gestures if you bought him the CD and the nice looking shirt, he would very likely end up wearing that shirt and listening to that CD on his date with your successor.
He’d much rather have a date with a hot babe who values and takes care of herself. Men are visual creatures. You can like that fact or dislike it. What you can’t do is change it.
Men also like confidence. You are the prize. When you let the object of your affection know that, he’ll be oh so eager to win the prize. If you pander to your guy, he will become bored and go after someone who is more of a challenge. Then what will happen? You’ll be back out in the dating pool with mousy hair and broken spirits. Obviously that won’t do!
A much better alternative is to treat your guy to a date with the hottest girl in town. If he gets how awesome you are, bask in the attention. If he is blind and/or confused, move on and flip that amazing looking hair in the presence of any other cute, single men you desire. Then walk away. It’s a virtual certainty that men from three states away will follow. Think, “Field of Dreams” meets “My Fair Lady” meets “Something About Mary”. If Hot Heads styles it, they will come calling.
Disclaimer: If you are trying to win over the kind of man who is only attracted to men, twelve year olds or the kind of women whose dysfunctional lives could land them their own reality shows, option B won’t deliver the desired results. No worries! You’ll still be better off! You will have spent your money wisely and you will look and feel incredible.
Hope that helps and I hope to see you at Hot Heads shortly! Happy Valentine’s Day!
XXOO, The Hot Heads Groupie :)
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