Sunday, February 21, 2010
Zero Pay.... The Highlight of My Day
We only got to Question 1 of the pre-screen. That's because my answer to Question 1 rendered me inelligible as a participant.
The surveyer asked me my age and when I responded, her expression changed. She seemed genuinely perplexed as to how to explain the reason for the rejection without calling me old. I told her no apology was necessary. (She was supposed to be surveying 18 - 35 year olds.)
It seems unlikely that anyone will be recruiting this young woman away from her mall survey post to have her guess ages and weights at the carnival. Does she have impaired vision? I don't know. Is she just too young to properly gage ages? Perhaps.
I'm choosing to attribute her confusion to something ese though. I'm attributing it to the fact that this past Friday, Diane once again worked her magic on my hair.
When I left the salon on Friday, I left with the hair of an 18 - 35 year 18 - 35 year old with sassy, rich brown, silky smooth hair set off by the most perfectly placed highlights. The sun itself couldn't have done a better job with them.
So am I upset that I didn't get the quick cash? Are you kidding me? I can't think of a time I've ever been so delighted to have an empty wallet.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
From Hair To Eternity, Volume 1
Love Happens

Hair: B+
In one scene Jennifer Aniston’s character sports braids and a knit cap. For the most part, however, she rocks her signature look wearing her long honey blond hair loose and slightly wavy. Of course, it looks beautiful, sexy and natural (even though we know it’s not). See my October 24, 2009 post,
Chemistry: D- I’ve liked Jennifer Aniston in other romantic comedies, but I didn't in this one...and sorry, but I just don’t find Aaron Eckhart attractive. He has an expressionless face, anchor person hair and an unremarkable body. This one just didn’t do it for me….at all.
Most Romantic Scene: Since this was a completely unbelievable love story, this is a tough one. I’m going to go with what had the greatest potential to be romantic. There was a scene where Jennifer Aniston’s character, Eloise, borrowed a bucket truck and parked it close to a stadium where a sold out concert was taking place giving her and her new beau their own private box seats. I’ve got to admit, that would be pretty cool!Lesson(s) Learned: The words, quidnunc, poppysmic and sesquipedalianist. Quidnunc means a person who seeks to know all the latest news and gossip. Poppysmic refers to the noise that results when you smack your lips. (For some reason that I still don’t understand, Jennifer Aniston’s character wrote these words on the wall behind random hotel prints. ???) A sesquipedalianist is a person who loves to use long and unusual words.
I was also reminded about how grateful I am that I got to go through the stages of my son’s life where he made me absolutely crazy. I’m grateful I got to hear clicking skateboard sounds when he landed jumps perilously close to other people's cars. I’m grateful for the piles of clothes that were always all over his floor. I'm grateful for ALL the parent/teacher conferences I had to attend. I’m grateful for the screeching guitar amps I had to listen to… and I’m grateful for the never ending homework arguments we had. The most heartfelt scenes in this movie were delivered by a Dad whose son didn’t live long enough to put him though these things.
Overall Rating: D (Good hair alone can’t carry a movie!)
The Notebook

Those who know me well know that I come from a long line of women who have done this the wrong way. My (maternal) Great Grandmother had a whole mess of suitors. This was quite the surprising discovery for my cousins and siblings and I when we went through our Grandmother’s attic following her death. (My Mother and Grandmother were raised in the same home as it was built by my Great Grandfather who had been a local contractor.) There were love letters and post cards from a number of different men all wanting dates with my Great Grandmother and/or her hand in marriage. I don’t know the whole story or timeline, but I know that she was married more than once. My (maternal) Grandmother married for security and was miserable. My mother married a guy of modest means - my Dad - who swept her off her feet but ended up breaking her heart. (He’s now on marriage #7.)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Go Team USA!
or maybe like this....
At the last minute, I decided not to! I was just too afraid of running into someone else wearing the same look.
Don't mistake my fashion cowardice for a lack of interest in the Winter Games, though. If we have to be cold ... and, darn it, this Winter it seems like we do, I say bring on the figure skating and the alpine skiing. Go Team USA! :)
Monday, February 8, 2010
If Hot Heads Styles It... They Will Come Calling! :)

A) Buy an obscure CD the guy I’m (kind of, sort of) seeing once mentioned in passing, so as to show him how attuned I am to who he really is. Get him a Tommy Hilfiger shirt that I know will look great on him and pick up a cleverly written card that perfectly sums up our budding relationship......or….
B) Get my hair cut and colored at Hot Heads so that I look amazing.
Young, Naïve and Eager to Please
Dear Young, Naïve and Eager,
There was a time in my life when I would’ve told you to go w/option A. I know now that that would've been bad advice. After years of carefully observing the techniques employed by women who have men eating out of their hands, I can tell you WITH CERTAINTY that the answer is B. While your guy would probably be appreciative of your gestures if you bought him the CD and the nice looking shirt, he would very likely end up wearing that shirt and listening to that CD on his date with your successor.
He’d much rather have a date with a hot babe who values and takes care of herself. Men are visual creatures. You can like that fact or dislike it. What you can’t do is change it.
Men also like confidence. You are the prize. When you let the object of your affection know that, he’ll be oh so eager to win the prize. If you pander to your guy, he will become bored and go after someone who is more of a challenge. Then what will happen? You’ll be back out in the dating pool with mousy hair and broken spirits. Obviously that won’t do!
A much better alternative is to treat your guy to a date with the hottest girl in town. If he gets how awesome you are, bask in the attention. If he is blind and/or confused, move on and flip that amazing looking hair in the presence of any other cute, single men you desire. Then walk away. It’s a virtual certainty that men from three states away will follow. Think, “Field of Dreams” meets “My Fair Lady” meets “Something About Mary”. If Hot Heads styles it, they will come calling.
Disclaimer: If you are trying to win over the kind of man who is only attracted to men, twelve year olds or the kind of women whose dysfunctional lives could land them their own reality shows, option B won’t deliver the desired results. No worries! You’ll still be better off! You will have spent your money wisely and you will look and feel incredible.
Hope that helps and I hope to see you at Hot Heads shortly! Happy Valentine’s Day!
XXOO, The Hot Heads Groupie :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Even Cowgirls Get The Hues... and Cuts and Products

(I don't have any desire to move to the middle of nowhere and drive feed trucks through the Winter snow, but I am quite fascinated by such a delightful glimpse at what that kind of life is really like. The featured recipes on the site make me want to get in my car and drive west in hopes of scoring a dinner invitation. The pictures are straight out of a coffee table book and the captions should not be read when sipping coffee over a white linen tablecloth. Looking at this site makes me want to rent a Winnebago and go see our beautiful country. It makes me want to swoon in the arms of a man in chaps. It’s makes me want to adopt a Basset Hound – Brandy, the Wonder Dog thinks that’s a really stupid idea - and it makes me want to go play with someone else’s adorable young children.
I first got hooked on this blog after taking a little time to read the story of how Ree’s handsome rancher husband lassoed her heart between the time she left LA and the time she was scheduled to move to Chicago with hopes of starting law school. She calls this series of posts, “From Black Heels to Tractor Wheels”. In a nutshell, it’s the modern version of the 70s television show Green Acres. (That’s her characterization.) It’s the sweetest story! It’s quite humorous in places and – this is the big one – it is a good reminder that there are a couple of good guys out there in the world.
Anyway, the whole thing is kind of addictive and it’s worth a read. The blog gets about 13 million hits per/month - which just a little over 12,999,000 more than this one gets. :) I’m bringing this blog to your attention today for two reasons: The first reason is because it's February, that magical month of amore and chocolate. I’m sure we could all use a handsome cowboy story about love and lust that doesn’t end in “candy coated misery”.
The second reason is because today on her blog, The Pioneer Woman chronicled her trip to a salon in the “big city” to get haircuts for her girls. . Her already adorable daughters are positively glowing in the after shots and Ree laments the fact that this type of trip – and any hairstyle that does not involve an elastic hairband - are such rarities for them.
This, of course, made me realize anew how lucky we are. We don’t have to ditch chores, dodge ranchers and drive hours to get our hair beautified. All we have to do is head a little ways up the road to the Seminole Towne Center and Hot Heads.
Hope you do that sometime soon. I hear love … or at least lust… is in the air. It’s time to pull out your bag of tricks and wow the man in your life… or the man you’re after. Better yet, it’s time to wow yourself! Happy February!