They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. These are worth $1,000....actually, quite a bit more than that. I don't have the final count (YET), but I can tell you, an impressive amount of money was raised to help fight Ovarian cancer at the Cruisin' for a Cure with Crazy Hair event last Saturday. These kind, creative souls (pictured above) are part of the reason why. Don't they look fabulous? I sure think so!
Katy Perry is on the cover of InStyle this month wearing lovely pale pink locks. She's a pretty girl, of course, and she's got enough sass and presence to pull the look off. As colored coifs go, though, she's got nothing on the ladies above. Yes, they have big, bold hair, but they've got bigger, bolder hearts. In my book, anyway, there's nothing more beautiful!