Just found out about a fundraiser Hot Heads is organizing. I’m planning to participate and I’d love it if you’d join me. It’s called Cruisin’ for a Cure with Crazy Hair and it will be taking place at the Seminole Towne Center on Saturday, September 17th at 11 am. It’s a one mile walk that will both start and end at Hot Heads. The cost is $10 and all of the proceeds will go to The Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Florida.
There’s so much to like about this event I don’t quite know where to start. For one thing, it’s a Saturday am charity walk that won’t result in my inflicting harm on my alarm clock. There will be no 5:30 am phone call from my friend, Cindy, telling me to stop hitting the snooze button and get out of bed. Nobody will have to bang on my door to inform me that all the girls are in the car waiting and I’d better get a move on. We won’t have to drive to the event with our brights on so as not to run over possums or armadillos. We can have coffee BEFORE the walk and we’ll be all bright and eyed and bushy tailed by the time the event begins.
Also, when I do roll out of bed, after my restful Friday night’s sleep, all I’ll have to do is throw on sweats, tennis shoes and a t-shirt. Because crazy hair is not only allowed, but encouraged, showing up with “bed head” would be a perfectly acceptable thing to do.
Not only that, If I do show up for the walk with crazy hair, I’ll be in exactly the right place to remedy the situation if I need to freshen up my look before I venture off on the rest of the day’s adventures. That’s because the walk starts and ends at the salon. Can you imagine? Even world class athletes don’t have their hair stylists waiting at the end of their events poised and ready to make them look beautiful. (OK, you might want to make an appointment if you’re planning to get your hair styled after the walk, but it could be done and how great is that?)
The venue for Cruisin' for a Cure...with Crazy Hair is the Seminole Towne Center…the home of great fall fashion, stylin’ shoes and a pretty fabulous salon! Because of this, if you’re not quite done walking when you get to the finish line, you can spend the rest of the morning strolling through all the stores.
The registration fee is affordable. It’s only $10. No matter how tight your finances are, you can probably scrounge up $10 for a good cause.
This is exercise disguised as fun. You know those cookbooks that encourage Moms to sneak pureed vegetables into their recipes and onto their unsuspecting children’s plates? Well this is kind of like that. This will be a fun activity, but make no mistake, you’ll be getting a nice little workout.
The first 50 people to register will receive a goody bag valued at $100. Let me repeat that… the first 50 people to register will receive a goody bag valued at $100.
Prizes will be given to the team with the craziest hair, to the individual with the craziest hair and to the individual who has raised the most money. I do a lot of these charity walks/runs and I never win a darn thing. The reason for this is that you generally have to do something ridiculous like run faster than every other person in your age bracket to get any kind of recognition at one of these events. At this one, however, all you have to do is round up a bunch of friends, be creative and/or have really crazy hair and you’ve got a really good chance of taking home a prize. Now those are things I can do.
It’s for a wonderful cause. Sadly, I have personally lost two women I loved to Ovarian Cancer, so this cause is one that means a lot to me. I will be walking this event in memory of Lucretia McMinn (my Grandmother) and Evelyn McKnight (my Stepmother).
Anyway, sure hope you’ll consider joining me. This is a win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win-win :) event and I know it’s going to be a lot of fun!
For additional information, please call Joanne Brake at 407-221-3092.